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Powerful CIA Hackers removes all live videos  from the website.

work is being does to reload them all, It may take some time

Important Message from 

Julian Assange extradition ruling labelled a ‘travesty of justice’

Reporters Without Borders condemned the decision,

which it said will prove historic ‘for all the wrong reasons’

Powerful people behind running Google wiped off the Google Link to original Home Page for

This is the new Home Page for

The Old Home Page  had thousands of Internet Hits .

The Hit Counter has started again with the creation of this new Home Page


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It may have something to do with the fact that this video accuses to the CIA and other powerful elite of being in control of much of the content presented to the general public in the mainsteam media, films and television.


" The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the Major Media.." ....Former CIA Director William Colby 

Quotes of the Month
“What happened to Kennedy is nearly what happened to me. America is in danger of upheavals. But you'll see. All of them together will observe the law of silence. They will close ranks. They'll do everything to stifle the scandal. They will throw Noah's cloak over these shameful deeds. In order to not lose face in front of the whole world. In order to not risk unleashing riots in the United States. In order to preserve the union and to avoid a new civil war. In order to not ask themselves questions. They don't want to know. They don't want to find out. They won't allow themselves to find out."
~ French president after returning to Paris from JFK's funeral on November 24th, 1963 (Peyrefitte's memoir in "It Was de Gaulle")
- Charles de Gaulle
I never make the same mistake twice ...I make it like five or six times, you  know .....just to be sure
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