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The Great Mint Swindle is a true story that happed in Perth, Western Australia in 1983, of how the Mickleberg Brothers were framed for the theft of around $Aust 1 million dollars in Gold from the Perth Mint. The facts portrayed in the film are true, however there is a lot of extra information missing that could have been included in the film, if what another witness knows ..... that was actually accused of the Perth Mint Swindle, before the Mickleberg Brothers .... was included in this film.
The INL News Group's Investigation Team have a full exclusive interview from this witness.. Watch this space for more details of this INL News Group's Investigation Team's full exclusive interview from this witness
also see:
The Great Mint Swindle -The Full Film
The Great Mint Swindle Part 1
The Great Mint Swindle Part 2
The Great Mint Swindle Part 3
The Great Mint Swindle Part 4
The Great Mint Swindle Part 5
The Great Mint Swindle Part 6
The Great Mint Swindle Part 7
The Great Mint Swindle Part 8
The Great Mint Swindle Part 9
The Great Mint Swindle Part 10
The Great Mint Swindle Part 11
The Great Mint Swindle Part 12
The Great Mint Swindle Part 13
The Great Mint Swindle Part 14
The Great Mint Swindle Part 15
Great Perth Mint Swindle
The Perth Mint Swindle is the popular name for the robbery of 49 gold bars weighing 68 kg from the Perth Mint in Western Australia on 22 June, 1982. The bullion was valued at A$653,000 at that time (2011:$2.02 million). As of 8 January 2018, the value of the 68 kilograms of gold would approach AUD $3.7 Million.
According to police at the time, three brothers, Ray, Peter and Brian Mickelberg, orchestrated the robbery. The three went to trial and were found guilty of the conspiracy and sentenced in 1983 to twenty, sixteen and twelve years in jail respectively.
All three convictions were overturned in 2004. To date the case remains unsolved and continues to be fought by the Mickelbergs who maintain their innocence and allege a conspiracy by the Western Australia Police to frame them.
Note: Some Information on the Perth Mint Swindle not mentioned in Wikipedia
The Late and former Detective-Sergeant Don Hancock, who was later promoted to head of the State Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB)
came around to a person's apartment in Perth ( before the police tried to frame the Mickelbergs) at 6 am a few days after the 22nd June, 1982 with two car loads of detectives, to search this person's house and take him away to try and frame him for the Perth Mint Swindle. Because it seemed that it would be too difficult to frame this person for the Perth Mint Swindle, the WA Police headed by Late and former Detective-Sergeant Don Hancock, decided that the Mickelberg brothers were easier to frame for the Perth Mint Swindle, for a number of reasons. The full story is being published in a new book called..
The Dark Secrets in the History of Perth, Western Australia (The Untold Story).
Mickelberg Brothers
Soon after the robbery police investigations focused on the Mickelberg brothers. According to the police, the brothers stole cheques from a Perth building society and then fooled the mint into accepting those cheques in exchange for gold bullion which, it was alleged, the brothers had a courier pick up. The gold was picked up by a security company who delivered it to an office in Perth and then to Jandakot Airport, from where it seemingly disappeared.
In a separate matter, in September 1982, the three brothers, their parents and another man Brian Pozzi were charged over a matter relating to a manufactured gold nugget known as the "Yellow Rose of Texas". Perth Businessman Alan Bond had purchased the nugget for $350,000 in November 1980. It was later found to be worth less than $150,000 and Raymond Mickelberg and Brian Pozzi pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to fraud at their June 1984 trial.
After serving nine months of his jail term and having his conviction overturned on appeal, Brian was released from jail but died in a light aircraft crash on 27 February 1986, when the twin-engined Aero Commander he was flying ran out of fuel near Canning Dam on the outskirts of Perth. Whilst in prison, Ray and Peter embarked on a series of seven appeals against their convictions, essentially on the grounds that their confessions had been fabricated by police investigators. Ray and Peter served eight and six years of their sentences respectively before being released on parole.
In 1989, 55 kg of gold pellets, said to have been from the swindle, were found outside the gates of TVW-7 (currently Channel Seven Perth), a Perth television station, with an anonymous note addressed to one of the station's reporters—Alison Fan—protesting the Mickelberg's innocence and claiming that a prominent Perth businessman was behind the swindle
Police Officers
Don Hancock
The senior investigating officer in the case was Detective-Sergeant Don Hancock who was later promoted to head of the State Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB). Hancock and a friend, Lou Lewis, died in a bomb explosion outside Hancock's home in Lathlain in September 2001. Hancock was murdered by Gypsy Joker Sid Reid in revenge for the murder of Billy Grierson, allegedly by Hancock after Grierson "made obscene comments in front of his daughter." A subsequent (2003) prosecution of an alleged accomplice was unsuccessful.
At the 2006 inquest into the October 2000 shooting death Billy Grierson, the coroner stated: "There is a significant body of evidence which suggests Mr Hancock may have been the shooter," but the Gypsy Jokers "could have a large number of enemies." he was unable to determine who Grierson's killer was because Hancock was now dead, police had failed to conduct routine forensic science tests and had failed to search Hancock's home. The relevant senior investigating officer was Kim Gage, head of Kalgoorlie detectives, who had reportedly spent the day drinking with Hancock and others. Reid was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in jail which was reduced to 15 years for helping police in the failed second prosecution.
Tony Lewandowski
In 2002, midway through a State Royal Commission into police corruption, a retired police officer, Tony Lewandowski, who had been at the centre of the case, made a confession of his involvement in fabricating evidence which was used to help frame the brothers. Lewandowski's senior officer during the investigation was Don Hancock. The two were the only people present at the brothers' interviews following the Mickelberg arrests.
"(On that day), Don Hancock came into the room and told me to make Peter strip naked. Don then went up to Peter and gave him two or three quick punches in the solar plexus. The statements purportedly taken from Peter Mickelberg on July 26, 1982, were in fact not taken in Peter's presence that day, but were a fabrication made by Don Hancock and myself shortly after September 2, 1982. I gave evidence at the trial and numerous appeals. All that evidence in relation to the so-called confessions was false." —Statement of Tony Lewandowski
Lewandowski was subsequently charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice, making false statements, fabricating evidence and perjury. In May 2004, just before facing trial, Lewandowski apparently committed suicide, but there has been some speculation as to whether or not that may have been staged to cover his murder. Although now dead, Lewandowski's confession directly implicated Hancock in fabricating evidence in the Mickelberg case.
In July 2004 the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal quashed the brothers' convictions after seven unsuccessful attempts. The judge ruled that with the suppression of their sentence, they were entitled to a presumption of innocence. The Assistant Police Commissioner, Mel Hay, expressed disappointment with the decision which prompted a threat of a defamation lawsuit from the brothers. The brothers subsequently sued the Western Australian government for libel, and as part of the settlement, the West Australian police issued a public apology in December 2007.[10]
After lodging claims for compensation, in January 2008 State Attorney-General Jim McGinty offered $500,000 in ex-gratia payments to each brother for the "injustice done to them". The payment followed $658,672 paid to cover legal costs of their two appeals. The Mickelbergs' lawyer had asked for $950,000 in compensation for Ray and $750,000 for Peter.
Author Avon Lovell wrote a book about the case in 1985: The Mickelberg Stitch, which alleged questionable investigation practices by the police, including production of unsigned confessions and a forged fingerprint. The police union collected a levy of $1 per week from each member to fund legal action against Lovell and his publishers and distributors to suppress publication of the book. It was estimated that between one and two million dollars was raised. The book was banned by the State Government, but was still freely available to be read at the J S Battye Library. The ban was eventually lifted.
A second book by Lovell, Split Image, was published in 1990 and met a similar fate to the first. This ban was also lifted later.
In March 2011, Lovell launched a third book on the case, Litany of Lies, at about the same time that Antonio Buti wrote on the subject.
In Popular Culture
Two telemovies based on the swindle have been made.
- The Great Gold Swindle (1984), directed by John Power and written by David White; featuring John Hargreaves (Ray Mickelberg), Tony Rickards (Peter Mickelberg), Robert Hughes (Brian Mickelberg), Bryan Marshall (Hancock), Chris Haywood (Peter Duvnjak), Steve Jodrell (Chris Hunt), Robert Faggetter (Det. Sgt. Hooft) and Bill McCluskey (Terence Henry). This version was also broadcast in Brazil, under the title A Grande Fraude, and was released on video in France as Les mercenaires de l'or.
- The Great Mint Swindle (2012), directed by Geoff Bennett, written by Reg Cribb and Paul Bennett; featuring Grant Bowler(Ray Mickelberg), Todd Lasance (Peter Mickelberg), Josh Quong Tart (Brian Mickelberg), Shane Bourne (Hancock), John Batchelor (Lewandowski), Maya Stange (Sheryl Mickelberg) which aired on 11 March 2012.
One actor, Caroline McKenzie, appeared in both features, playing Detective Ljiljana Cvijic in the 1984 version and Peg Mickelberg in 2012.

The famous photograph of Ray Mickelberg chasing Inspector Ray Hancock in Perth Western Australia yelling..."You framed me Inspector Hancock... I spent many years wrongly in jail because you made up evidence against me that was not true..".

In an exclusive interview with the Australian Weekend News (AWN) and the INL News Group investigators Western Australian Criminal Lawyer admitted that the Western Australian police has admitted that.....
at the time the Mickrlbergs were arrested that they had stolen a plaster cast of Ray Mickelberg's hand which had his finger print on... and used that to place Ray Mickrlberg's finger print on the bank cheque that was forged to p[resent to the Perth Mint to con the Perth Mint to release the $1 million in gold...
This was how Inspector Ray Hancock a member of the Western Australian Police was able to frame the Mickelbergs at their criminal trial... this is what Ray Hancock's wife does not understand.... the so called evidence the Mickelberg's criminal trial was falsified...with the main piece of evidence that convinced the jury to find the Mickelbergs guilty was was the the $1 million forged bank cheque that was presented to the Perth Mint to con the Perth Mint to hand the $1 million in gold over to a courier...that along with a falsified confession is what sealed the Mickelberg's conviction... however had Ray Hancock not stolen a plaster cast of Ray Mickelberg's hand which had his finger print on... and used this to place Ray Mickelberg's finger print on the bank cheque that was forged to present to the Perth Mint to con the Perth Mint to release the $1 million in gold... then it is likely the jury would not have found the Mickelberg brothers guilty..

Ray Mickelberg after he spent many years wrongly in prison trying too campaign to have his wrongful conviction quashed...

Peter Mickelberg a spent many years wrongly in prison trying too campaign to have his wrongful conviction quashed...

The bullion was valued at A$653,000 at that time (2011:$2.02 million).
The three went to trial and were found guilty of the conspiracy and sentenced in 1983 to twenty, sixteen and twelve years in jail respectively.
fought by the Mickelbergs who maintain their innocence and allege a conspiracy by theWestern Australia Police to frame them.
The Mickelberg brothers
and then fooled the mint into accepting those cheques in exchange for gold bullion which, it was alleged, the brothers had a courier pick up.
The gold was picked up by a security company who delivered it to an office in Perth and then to Jandakot Airport, from where it seemingly disappeared.
It was later found to be worth less than $150,000 and Raymond Mickelberg and Brian Pozzi pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to fraud at their June 1984 trial.
when the twin-engine plane he was flying ran out of fuel near Canning Dam on the outskirts of Perth.[2]Whilst in prison, Ray and Peter
embarked on a series of seven appeals against their convictions, essentially on the grounds that their confessions had been fabricated by police investigators.
Ray and Peter served eight and six years of their sentences respectively before being released on parole.
a Perth television station, with an anonymous note addressed to one of the station's reporters—Alison Fan—protesting the Mickelberg's innocence and
claiming that a prominent Perth businessman was behind the swindle.[3]
In September 2001 in an apparently unrelated issue, Hancock was murdered when a bomb which had been planted under his car exploded outside his home in Lathlain
, killing him and a friend Lou Lewis.
made a confession of his involvement in fabricating evidence which was used to help frame the brothers. Lewandowski's senior officer during the investigation
was Don Hancock, who with Lewandowski, were the only persons present at the brothers' interviews following the Mickelberg arrests. Lewandowski was subsequently charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice, making false statements, fabricating evidence and perjury.[4] In May 2004, just before facing trial Lewandowski apparently committed suicide[5] though there has been some speculation as to whether or not this may have been staged to cover his (possible) murder. Although now deceased, through Lewandowski's confession, Hancock was directly implicated in fabricating evidence in the Mickelberg case.[6]
Books about the case
In popular culture
- The Great Gold Swindle (1984), directed by John Power and written by David White; featuring John Hargreaves (Ray Mickelberg), Tony Rickards (Peter Mickelberg), Robert Hughes (Brian Mickelberg), Bryan Marshall (Hancock), Chris Haywood (Peter Duvnjak), Steve Jodrell (Chris Hunt), Robert Faggetter (Det. Sgt. Hooft) and Bill McCluskey (Terence Henry).[11] This version was also broadcast in Brazil, under the title A Grande Fraude, and was released on video in France as Les mercenaires de l'or.[12]
- The Great Mint Swindle (2012), directed by Geoff Bennett, written by Reg Cribb and Paul Bennett; featuring Grant Bowler (Ray Mickelberg), Todd Lasance (Peter Mickelberg), Josh Quong Tart (Brian Mickelberg), Shane Bourne (Hancock), John Batchelor(Lewandowski), Maya Stange (Sheryl Mickelberg) which aired on March 11, 2012.[13][14]
see also
- References
- Crime in Western Australia
- ^ "Mickelbergs sue policeman". ABC 7:30 Report. Retrieved 2009-11-23.
- ^ "Mickelberg Dies". Sydney Morning Herald. 28 February 1986. Retrieved 2009-11-23.
- ^ Liza Kappelle (June 11 2002). "Mint robbers were framed". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved May 5, 2010.
- ^ "Mint swindle officer seized". Sydney Morning Herald. 2002-10-03. Retrieved 2005-09-07.
- ^ "Mickelberg brothers find unlikely ally". ABC 7:30 Report. 18/01/2008.
- ^ "Don Hancock and the Perth Mint Swindle". MelbourneCrime. Archived from the original on 2005-09-03. Retrieved 2005-09-07.
- ^ "Police apologise to Mickelberg brothers". December 15.
- ^ "Mickelberg payment satisfies neither brothers nor police". 16 January 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-17.[dead link]
- ^ ABC News online Micklebergs cleared over Perth Mint swindle
- ^ "This time, the stitch is by Lovell". Post Newspapers. Retrieved 2005-09-07.[dead link]
- ^ IMDb, 2012, The Great Gold Swindle (1984) TV. (30 March 2012)
- ^ IMDb, 2012, The Great Gold Swindle (1984) TV – Release Dates. (30 March 2012)
- ^ "Going for gold with Perth crime saga The Great Mint Swindle". The Australian. March 03, 2012.
- ^
- ^ IMDb, 2012, Caroline McKenzie (I) (30 March 2012)
Further reading
- Lovell, Avon Francis (1985). The Mickelberg Stitch. Creative Research, Perth. ISBN 0-908469-23-3.
- Buti, Antonio (2011). Brothers: Justice, Corruption and the Mickelbergs. Fremantle Press. ISBN 978-1-921888-47-2.
- Lovell, Avon Frameup
Mickelberg sues hardware giant Bunnings
Read more:
The knots in the Mickelberg stitch
June 12 2002
Mickelberg movie so wrong: widow
Reviewer rating:
Ray Mickelberg watched as Don Hancock took his final breath.
Then the director yelled cut.
Only in Perth would you happen to accidently walk onto the film set of your very own memoir.

A scene from The Great Mint Swindle.
Which is exactly what happened when the real Mickelberg, who just happened to be enjoying a stroll around the leafy suburb of Applecross while the cast and crew of Nine's new telemovie The Great Mint Swindle were filming the harrowing scene that is seared into the minds of most West Australians, according to producer Russell Vines.
The infamous car explosion, which killed retired Detective Sergeant Don Hancock on a quiet Lathlain Street in 2001, opens the made-for-television movie.
"To understand the full story we have to go back 20 years," a voice says before we cut to the early 1980s.
The golden age of Western Australian, before the fly-in, fly-out acronym FIFO was thought up in some noughties newsroom, where Bondy was king and corruption was as widespread as bad perms, aviator sunglasses and super-charged Toranas.
"The bellies in WA were as big as the bank accounts. Greed was God," the narrator Peter Mickelberg, played by Todd Lasance, says as a faceless and shirtless rotund man (presumably Alan Bond) wanders around his palatial Western suburbs mansion.
The story is based on the three Mickelberg brothers, Ray (played by Grant Bowler) Peter and the late Brian (Josh Quong Tart) and their infamous PR stunt - a manufactured, backyard gold nugget called the Yellow Rose of Texas which they claimed to have discovered while prospecting.
All is peachy for the brothers after Bond buys the find which was made in Ray's back shed, as the soundtrack featuring Midnight Oil and The Strangeloves pepper images of beach barbecues and a loving family unit, until 62 kilograms of gold, worth an estimated $2 million today, is swindled out of the Perth Mint in 1982 when it was "leaking like a sieve."
Sergeant Hancock, played by Shane Bourne, answers the "embarrassing call from higher up than the minister" to restore the tainted image of the lawless wild west.
Like a bloodhound, Hancock and his henchman Tony Lewandowski (played by John Batchelor), pursue Ray, Peter and Brian as the prime suspects for the heist.
After being jailed in 1983 to serve sentences ranging from 12 to 20 years, the brothers begin their 22-year battle to prove their innocence.
Some brief - yet cheeky - references to Bond, WA Inc and The America's Cup are thrown in which adds some comedic relief before Ray loses his finger in a jail yard fight and Brian dies in a plane crash.
"Bond wants to buy the Yellow Rose of Texas," Ray tells his brothers.
"Who? James Bond?" Peter replies.
Brain's response to an offer to go prospecting for gold, echoes the sentiments of many Perth workers even today, "Nah, I'd rather go to Bali," he says - without the Sh** Perth People Say hashtag.
Classic moments which have been fished out of the network's archives, including Richard Carlton's 60 Minutes expose into the glaring holes in the Mickelberg's case and a rather terse interview with sergeant Hancock, are synced to perfection.
The Great Mint Swindle, with its cast of relative yet talented unknowns is what Underbelly was before Matt Newton was cast – an interesting story told by actors who invested themselves into every angle, shot and syllable of an earnest script.
The Great Mint Swindle is coming soon to Nine.
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