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W.H.O.-Dr. Tedros Slips Up And Admits Some Countries Are Using Booster Shots To Kill Children
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack-22-12-2021
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Covid Vaccines are biggest The Most Dangerous Criminal Experiment Ever Perpetuated 0n Humans
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi CovidVaccines_biggest-Dangerous-Criminal-Experiment-Perpetuated-0n-Humans
Agenda 21 – Depopulation Agenda (2009)
Posted: November 27, 2009 Filed under: Food Control, New World Order | Tags: Agenda 21, Aspartame, Codex Alimentarius, Depopulation Agenda, Flouride, Monsanto, You Tube Videos 9 Comments
Codex Alimentarius
For those readers not familiar with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, it is just one more of these mass-uniformity structures. Originally created in 1962 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization with the noblest of stated intentions – that is, to protect consumer food health and eliminate barriers to international food trade – the Codex Alimentarius Commission has been engaged in developing food standards and guidelines that will be imposed from the Top down. Captured by interests antithetical to health freedom, Codex is now well on the path to promulgating food rules that will lead to ‘dumbed-down’ health – a kind of health Idiocracy – for individuals throughout the World.
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Criminalizing Natural Health Part 2
Dr. Rima E. Laibow
DrRimeLaibow-NutricideCriminalizingNatural Health-Vitamins-Herbs
DR. Rima E. Laibow -Napolionic Law Crimalising Heath Part 4
DR. Rima E. Laibow -Napolionic Crimalising Heath Part 5
Dr. Rima E. Laibow The Globalist Depopulation Agenda
I recently interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough, an internal medicine expert and editor of two medical journals. Although he does not characterize this as a depopulation agenda, he agrees that these vaccines are attacking pregnant women and causing more than 80% of unborn babies to be aborted. He calls it an “atrocity” and says the pushing of these vaccines on pregnant women is “shameful.” You can hear him in his own words in the following interview (Mike Adams):
Dr Peter McCullough talks with Mike Adams about the De Polulation Sgenda of the Covid-19 Vaccines
Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions
This article was originally published by Mike Adams on It has been reposted here with permission from the author.
A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.
This stunning finding, explained below, is self-evident from the data published in a new study entitled, “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons.” Just as disturbing as the data is the fact that the study authors apparently sought to deliberately obfuscate the truth about vaccines causing spontaneous abortions by obfuscating numbers in their own calculations.
Originally brought to our attention by a Life Site News article, we checked with our own science contacts to review the data and double check all the math. In doing so, we were able to confirm two things:
- Yes, the study shows an 82% rate of spontaneous abortions in expectant mothers given covid vaccines during their first or second trimesters.
- Yes, the study authors either deliberately sought to hide this fact with dishonest obfuscation (explained below) or they are incompetent and made a glaring error that brings into question their credibility.
In other words, this study was almost certainly a cover-up to try to claim vaccinating pregnant women is perfectly safe. But the study data actually show quite the oppose.
Here’s how:
700 of the 827 women were vaccinated in the third trimester
Table 4 from the study, shown below, reveals that a total of 827 pregnant women were studied. Out of the 827 women, 700 of them received their first vaccine in their third trimester of pregnancy. This means 127 women (which is 827 – 700) received a vaccine during their first or second trimesters. (You have to read the fine print below the table to see this disclosure.)
Out of the 127 women receiving vaccines during their first or second trimesters, 104 spontaneous abortions occurred before their pregnancies hit the 20-week mark. These are indicated as “spontaneous abortions” in the table.
In simple math, 104 spontaneous abortions (during the first 20 weeks) out of 127 women who received vaccines in their first or second trimesters calculates to an 82% rate of spontaneous abortions among these pregnant women who were vaccinated.
It is important to note that deaths of unborn babies during the third trimester are known as “stillbirths” and not spontaneous abortions. Thus, the spontaneous abortions could not have possibly occurred in women vaccinated during their third trimester, by definition.
Thus, the study authors dishonestly used the wrong denominator of 827 in their “spontaneous abortions” calculation, when they should have used a denominator of 127, which is the number of women receiving vaccines during their first or second trimesters.
Put another way, it is impossible for a woman who was vaccinated for the first time during her third trimester to have a “spontaneous abortion” in the first 20 weeks, since they weren’t vaccinated during the first 20 weeks (and pregnant women aren’t time travelers). Thus, those women shouldn’t be included in the denominator used to calculate the spontaneous abortion rate.
The authors of this study should receive an award in the category of, “How to lie with statistics,” because they apparently tried to pull a sleight-of-hand trick to make it appear that vaccines are safe for pregnant women. In reality, they seem to be killing more than 4 out of 5 unborn babies in the first 20 weeks of gestation, at least in this data set. (It’s a small set of 127 pregnant women, so we’d like to see a larger review of many thousands of pregnancies in order to get a more clear picture.)
Apples and oranges, lemons and limes
A simple way to explain this with a metaphor is to imagine a bag of 50 lemons and 50 limes, with a science study asking the question, “What percentage of lemons are yellow?” The scientists count all the yellow fruit and reach the number 50. They mistakenly divide 50 into 100 because there are 100 total piece of fruit, then they declare, “50% of lemons are yellow” because it’s 50/100.
But the other 50 pieces of fruit can’t possibly be included because they’re limes, not lemons. So the correct math is 50/50, which means 100% of the lemons are yellow. That’s the correct answer.
In this science paper, they are using 827 as the denominator, even when 700 out of those 827 women were only vaccinated in the third trimester, which is long past the time window during which a “spontaneous abortion” can occur. And since pregnant women aren’t time travelers, they can’t go back in time and report a spontaneous abortion from months earlier.
If vaccine scientists either can’t do this basic math — or are willfully deceiving the world with dishonest obfuscation of the numbers — then “science” has already failed its core promise: to offer “evidence-based” conclusions to understand the world around us.
Yet when 4 out of 5 pregnant women lose their babies in the first 20 weeks, these scientists falsely claim the spontaneous abortion rate is only 12.6%. Why? Because they’re covering up the atrocities of the vaccine for political reasons, most likely.
In fact, the key author of the study, Tom T. Shimabukuro, is also named in numerous other studies that claim to document adverse reactions in various vaccines, ranging from rotavirus vaccines to the H1N1 vaccine from 2009. It raises the obvious question: Did Shimabukuro make the same error in other studies that concluded vaccines posed no significant risk of adverse events? For example, here’s another study he co-authored: “Adverse events after Fluzone ® Intradermal vaccine reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2011-2013.”
That study concluded, “Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns after TIV-ID.”
But is that conclusion based on bad math, like the study on covid vaccines given to pregnant women? We call for a review of all his methods and conclusions. Perhaps this same study architect has made the same systematic error (or possibly a deliberate obfuscation) for many years, spanning many previous studies. It wouldn’t be the first time one author was found to have made systematic mistakes across dozens of papers and is forced to retract them.
And isn’t that what the “scientific method” demands? Peer review. Double checking the math. Admitting to mistakes in conclusions. This is how science progresses, by pointing out errors and demanding they be addressed and corrected. We can’t just accept bad math and call it “science” when the bad math doesn’t check out.
Spike protein injections into pregnant women an “atrocity,” warns Dr. Peter McCullough
In the mean time, it’s clear that 4 out of 5 pregnancies are being terminated by covid vaccines when those vaccines are given during the first 20 weeks (at least, according to the small data set we have so far). And that means the “depopulation” aspects of the covid vaccine are working exactly as globalists hoped they would.
Remember: Bio-distribution studies (pharmacokinetics) show that covid vaccine spike proteins directly attack reproductive organs such as the ovaries. Given that spike proteins are engineered biological weapons designed to interfere with human cells, it should be no surprise whatsoever that they are achieving a high rate of spontaneous abortions in pregnant women.
I recently interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough, an internal medicine expert and editor of two medical journals. Although he does not characterize this as a depopulation agenda, he agrees that these vaccines are attacking pregnant women and causing more than 80% of unborn babies to be aborted. He calls it an “atrocity” and says the pushing of these vaccines on pregnant women is “shameful.” You can hear him in his own words in the following interview:
All this means that live births may plummet by 3.2 million over the next year, in the USA alone, if every pregnant woman is vaccinated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The number of unborn babies being murdered in the womb, in this case, is reaching “holocaust” levels, which is why this is being called a medical “atrocity.”
The fields of medicine and science have turned against humanity. They are now killing babies by the millions and injecting adults with spike protein bioweapons that are causing strokes, heart attacks, deaths and lifelong injury.
The vaccine industry is at war with the human race. And live-born babies are their enemy. Joe Biden’s land management czar once characterized human children as an “environmental hazard.”
This is a war. A bioweapons attack. And it goes beyond mere “crimes against humanity.” It is a spiritual betrayal of the entire human race by the institutions of science and medicine, both of which long pretended to be motivated by a desire to aid humanity, but are now clearly shown to be working towards humanity’s destru
When the COVID crisis hit, Dr. McCullough began studying the medical literature to find treatments.
Editor, Health Impact News
Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center.
Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.
He is the most published scientist in the history of his field.
When the COVID crisis hit, Dr. McCullough began studying the medical literature to find treatments, and began to treat his patients with current drugs “off label,” because his patients who were testing positive for COVID were sent home from the hospitals and told to wait two weeks, with no treatment options.
Dr. McCullough was then the lead author in a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that summarized existing drugs already approved and in the market that had success in treating COVID-19 patients.
At that time, according to Dr. McCullough, there were over 50,000 papers on COVID in the peer-reviewed literature, and none of them dealt with how doctors are supposed to treat COVID.
After publication, it became the most cited study dealing with COVID, and people were contacting Dr. McCullough from all over the world seeking help in treating COVID patients.
He took a few slides from his presentation and decided to publish a YouTube video on it, to help spread the word that there were effective treatments for COVID.
It soon went viral, as could be expected when one of the most respected doctors in the world was presenting effective treatments of COVID, and within about a week YouTube took it down, stating that it violated the terms of their community.
Senator Johnson from Wisconsin then got involved, and arranged for Dr. McCullough and others to give expert testimony in Senate hearings in November of 2020, explaining that people did not have to die from COVID because effective treatments existed.
This life-saving information was being censored in the corporate media, and was being removed by Big Tech in social media.
Dr. McCullough himself is a COVID survivor, and used these treatments personally, and for his family members.
All of this information was explained by Dr. McCullough recently in a Texas Health and Human Services Senate hearing (video below).
Obviously choking back tears and trying to keep his composure, Dr. McCullough explained:
You get handed a diagnostic test. It says, here, you’re COVID positive, go home.
Is there any treatment?
Is there any resources I can call?
Any referral lines, hotlines?
Any research hotlines?
That’s the standard of care in the United States. And if we go to any one of our testing centers today in Texas, I bet that’s the standard of care.
No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!
Dr. McCullough goes on to urge HHS in Texas to start listing treatments and treatment centers in Texas where patients can get help, and focus on those sick right now, rather than spend so much time on the vaccines.
I have to tell you, what has gone on has been beyond belief!
How many of you have turned on a local news station, or a national cable news station, and ever gotten an update on treatment at home?
How many of you have ever gotten a single word about what to do when you get handed the diagnosis of COVID-19?
That is a complete and total failure AT EVERY LEVEL!
Let’s take the White House.
How come we didn’t have a panel of doctors assigned to put all their efforts to stop these hospitalizations?
Why don’t we have doctors who actually treated patients get together in a group and every week give us an update?
Why didn’t we have that?
Why didn’t we have that at the state level? ZERO!
Why don’t we have any reports about how many patients were treated, and spared hospitalizations?
We have a complete and total blank spot on treatment. It is a blanking phenomenon.
This is a complete and total travesty to have a fatal disease, and not treat it.
Dr. McCullough then tells legislators in Texas what can be done RIGHT NOW to reverse this (but will they do it??).
So what can be done right here, right now?
There’s going to be more people that die in Texas, and it’s an absolute tragedy.
How about tomorrow, let’s have a law that says there’s not a single result given out without a treatment guide, and without a hotline of how to get into research.
Let’s put a staffer on this and find out all the research available in Texas, and let’s not have a single person go home with a test result with their fatal diagnosis, sitting at home going into two weeks of despair before the succumb to hospitalization and death.
It is UNIMAGINABLE in America that we can have such a complete and total blind spot.
Dr. McCullough then has some tough words for medical doctors.
I blame the doctors for not stepping up. Where was the medical society stepping up and effort on this?
How about from the federal and state agencies? There never was a single bit of group collaborative effort to stop the hospitalizations.
Nobody even kind of thought about it!
There’s only one doctor whose face is on TV now. One. Not a panel.
Doctors, we always work in groups. We always have different opinions.
Not a single one!
There’s not a single person in the White House Task Force who has ever treated a patient.
Why don’t we do something bold. Why don’t we put together a panel of doctors that have actually treated outpatients of COVID-19, and get them together for a meeting. And why don’t we exchange ideas, and why don’t we say how we can finish the pandemic strongly.
Isn’t it amazing! Think about this. Think about the complete and total blind spot (regarding home treatments).
A lot of doctors have checked out, and when patients call them, they say “I don’t treat COVID.”
And when I asked those doctors, I said “You don’t treat them, how come?”
They say “Well, there’s no treatment.”
I said, “But do you call them two days later to see how they’re doing?”
No. So what’s that?
That’s not “I don’t treat COVID.”
That’s “I don’t care anymore.”
That’s a loss of compassion. So we have a crisis of compassion in our country in the medical field.
That’s in our house right now.
For every doctor that’s ever told a patient that they don’t treat COVID, okay, but then did they call them two days later and help them get oxygen or see how they’re doing?
If the answer is “no,” that’s the Hippocratic Oath going out. And that’s on us. And I’m telling you we have a real self-check to do in the house of medicine.
Dr. McMcCullough then goes on to explain to this Texas Senate committee why this has happened, which readers of Health Impact News will know all too well already, and perhaps know even better than Dr. McCullough, since we can trace the “Plandemic” all the way back to 2019 and Event 201, and even earlier than that as the U.S. Government has had patents on Coronaviruses since the late 1990s.
I can tell you what happened.
What happened at around May, it became known that the virus was going to be amenable to a vaccine.
All efforts on treatment were dropped.
The National Institutes of Health actually had a multi-drug program.
They dropped it after 20 patients. They said “we can’t find the patients.”
The most disingenuous announcement of all time!
And then Warp Speed went full tilt for vaccine development, and there was a silencing of any information on treatment.
Any. Silencing. Scrubbed from Twitter, YouTube.
You can’t get papers published on this. We can’t even get information out in our own medical literature on this!
There’s been a complete scrubbing.
Watch the full testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough. What he covers in less than 20 minutes is truly amazing, and horrifying. We have it on our Bitchute channel, as well as on our Rumble channel.
And while the pharma-funded corporate media and medical bureaucrats who have a conflict of interest on this topic due to their financial investments in the new experimental “vaccines” will vilify and call Dr. McCullough a “quack,” be assured that he represents thousands and probably tens of thousands of medical doctors worldwide who have also been censored.
Here are two more videos of doctors who echo exactly what Dr. McCullough is testifying to in regards to existing treatments that are effective in treating COVID patients.
“I Can’t Keep Watching Patients Die Needlessly!” Medical Professor Testifies to Congress that COVID Cure Already Exists with Ivermectin
Available on Bitchute and Rumble
Codex Alimentarius Threatens Human Health
Posted: August 25, 2009 Filed under: Food Control | Tags: Codex Alimentarius
by Stephen Lendman
Published: Aug. 24, 2009 – SteveLendmanBlog
On its web site, CA (Latin for food code) says:
“The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN) and WHO (World Health Organization) to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations.”
Whatever its founding purpose, CA is much different today because corporate interests control it – global pharmaceutical, food, and banking giants in league with complicit UN and government agencies to promote GMOs over healthy foods, and drugs over natural remedies by restricting or banning vitamin and dietary supplements, except ones they control. Organic food as well by irradiation and hidden synthetic additives or ingredients.
If CA’s standards and guidelines are adopted, they’ll establish binding global rules, effectively overriding sovereign national laws. GMO foods and drugs will proliferate. Labeling will be banned. Food and drug giants will decide what will and won’t be sold. Governments will be prohibited from countermanding them. Everyone’s health and well-being will be jeopardized.
Since its 2004 founding, the Natural Solutions Foundation has been involved in “discover(ing), develop(ing), demonstrat(ing) and disseminat(ing) natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and freedom.” Its goal is “to support advanced healthcare and health freedom” globally, not a system promoting corporate interests at the expense of human health and well-being.
It explains that CA has “absolutely nothing to do with consumer protection.” It’s a corporate-run “Trade Commission” created to control “every aspect of how food and nutritional supplements are produced and sold to the consumer.” It’s about profits, not human health. It wants to ban natural remedies and promote unsafe drugs. It’s “unscientific because it classifies nutrients as toxins and uses ‘Risk Assessment’ to set ultra low so-called ‘safe upper limits’ for them.” It wants to prohibit everything not explicitly permitted and controlled by them.
Under the 1986 – 1993 GATT Uruguay Round, its 110 member countries agreed to harmonize their domestic laws to conform to international standards. In January 1995, the WTO replaced GATT, and as of July 2008, its membership included 153 nations.
Its Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade was established “to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles. It specifically refers to:
— ….”the important contributions that international standards and conformity assessment systems can make….by improving efficiency of production and facilitating the conduct of international trade….;” and
— the importance of “develop(ing) such international standards and conformity assessment systems.”
It states that “Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for the observance of all provisions of Article 2” – pertaining to the “Preparation, Adoption and Application of Technical Regulations by Central Government Bodies;” under them, “Members shall formulate and implement positive measures and mechanisms in support of the observance of (Article 2’s) provisions by other than central government bodies.”
This means that WTO members are legally bound under global guidelines, including CA standards if adopted, that override currently in force national laws. Under WTO rules, failure to comply may bring punitive fines or crippling trade sanctions.
At its July 2005 session, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), drew up guidelines that set restrictive upper dosage limits on popularly used vitamin and mineral supplements and nutrients. They prohibit the sale of all curative, preventative, and therapeutic supplements without a doctor’s prescription, most now accessible over-the-counter at health food, other stores, or by mail order.
Twenty-six other committees are tasked with setting global standards for different areas of the global food and drug trade, including:
— fruits and vegetables;
— fruit and vegetable juices;
— fats and oils;
— meat, poultry and fish;
— cereals, pulses (used for food and animal feed) and legumes;
— milk and milk products;
— natural mineral waters;
— sugars;
— cocoa products and chocolate;
— food hygiene;
— food labeling (as a way not to disclose GMO foods and ingredients)
— pesticide residues;
— residues of veterinary drugs found in foods;
— food additives;
— regional coordination, and more.
Codex standards are binding on all WTO members under its Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. Both were included among the Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods that was part of the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement that established the WTO.
Currently, it says that “there is no legal obligation on Members to apply Codex standards, guidelines and recommendations.” In fact, the WTO uses them to resolve international trade disputes that are legally binding on all members.
On December 31, 2009, Codex standards will be globally mandated unless legal challenges prevent it. In force, they’ll override food and drug laws of all member countries, including consumer protection ones and America’s 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). It classifies nutrients and herbs as foods, sets no dosage limits, and permits the sale of all dietary supplements unless expressly proved unsafe. Codex rules reverse things by prohibiting everything NOT proved safe, including high potency, therapeutically effective nutrients and supplements.
Common foods, herbs, nutrients, amino acids, homeopathic and other natural remedies would be called drugs. Potencies would be limited, and prescriptions would be required for their use. Some would be banned altogether.
In contrast, about 300 dangerous food additives will be allowed, including aspartame, BHA, BHT, potassium bromate, and tartrazine. New guidelines will authorize the worldwide proliferation of unlabeled GMO foods, drugs, and ingredients, known to harm human health.
In addition:
— dangerous high-potency industrial chemicals, pesticides, and fungicides will be allowed, ones now near-universally banned, including aldrin, hexachlorobenzene and toxaphene;
— growth hormones for cows will be mandated;
— antibiotics as well for all “food herds, fish and flocks;”
— irradiation will be required for all foods not locally grown and sold raw and unprocessed; and
— new standards will permit dangerous toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed; aflotoxin is one of most potent carcinogenic compounds known.
In addition, professional written, oral or other nutritional advice will be banned, including about the benefits of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other health-promoting substances. Henceforth, they’ll be considered toxins or poisons to be removed from food because Codex will prohibit their use to “prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease.”
In America before the 1996 Food Quality and Protection Act passed, the 1958 Delaney Clause prohibited use of known carcinogens in processed foods. It specifically said:
“the Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration shall not approve for use in food any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man, or, after tests, found to induce cancer in animals.”
It protected against unsafe food additives, meat and poultry drugs, color additives, and cancer-causing pesticide residues in processed foods above a certain level.
Obama’s Enforcers
On July 23, Obama appointed Monsanto vice-president and lobbyist Michael Taylor as food safety czar – the man Jeffrey Smith, author and leading GMO foods critic, called “The person who may be responsible for more food-related illnesses and death than anyone in history….This is no joke….What have we done?”
At FDA in the early 1990s, Taylor headed policy over letting Monsanto’s GM bovine growth hormone (rBGH) be injected into cows to increase milk supply despite the known health dangers. He also kept containers from being labeled to warn consumers. Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand banned the drug because of the significant cancer and other risks.
Taylor also got the FDA to treat genetically modified foods and ingredients as “substantially equivalent” to natural ones, so no testing was required for safety. Ever since in America and many other countries, GM foods have proliferated despite reliable evidence of their harm to human health.
Rumored to become USDA’s food safety head is Dennis Wolff – an rBGH-using dairy farmer and Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary. Wolff spearheaded state legislation to ban rNGH-free labeling so consumers could choose safe milk over contaminated brands. He partially succeeded when governor Ed Rendell balked but allowed an FDA disclaimer on containers regarding bovine growth hormone’s safety.
Operation Cure All
A June 14, 2001 FTC press release headlined “Operation Cure All Wages New Battle in Ongoing War Against Internet Health Fraud.” It cited a 1997 initiated law enforcement and consumer education campaign in announcing new actions against “the fraudulent marketing of supplements and other health products on the Internet” targeting dietary supplements, herbal products, and various other “questionable” substances. The FDA claimed (without evidence) that “unscrupulous marketers (were selling to) the sickest and most vulnerable consumers.” To the general public as well that relies on them as essential nutrients and natural remedies that are far more effective, safer, and vastly cheaper than dangerous overpriced drugs.
At stake isn’t consumer safety. It’s protecting drug company profits by eliminating competition. It’s about removing safe alternatives, natural therapies, and information about them. It’s to empower drug giants and approve only their products for sale. It’s to establish standards they alone write; to pave the way for mass-marketing of genetically modified foods and drugs. It’s a stepping stone toward mandated harmful global Codex rules.
Codex Alimentarius – A Sinister Scheme for Profit at the Expense of Human Health
Empowering Ag and drug giants through CA poses an unacceptable danger to humanity as Dr. Rima Laibow, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, explains:
— it will replace “safe upper (nutrient) limits with junk science;”
— reduce them to useless levels; and
— call essential-to-life and well-being nutrient levels toxic or poisonous.
Adequate nutrient levels are vital to “health and longevity. Nutrients are essential components of enzyme function in the human body and enzymes are the very stuff of life because they carry out every biological process in your body. Without enzymes, nothing would happen. Literally.”
“There would be no digestion, no growth, no detoxification….no life. At any moment, approximately 35,000 enzymatic reactions are occurring in every cell in your body. Nutrients feed and support enzymatic action and that’s why they are so crucial to health.”
At optimum levels, they produce optimum health. At impaired levels, symptoms. At unhealthy levels, illness, and “No enzymatic action = death.” Varying human nutrient needs depend on “genetic diversity and requirement, diet, climate and energy output, toxic load (from food, water, air, and skin absorption), underlying nutritional deficits, (and all types of) diseases and stress.” In sum, it’s called “Biological Individuality – a concept “totally absent from the philosophy of Codex Alimentarius.”
According to Laibow, there is no “scientifically measurable ‘upper limit’ for nutrients” because their potential toxicity is “astonishingly low” even though at times “more is not necessarily better.” DSHEA prohibits nutrient upper limits because they’re foods, not drugs. “Scientifically, DSHEA is right on the mark.” CA is pseudo-science for profit at the expense of human health. Legal challenges have five months left to stop them.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday – Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.
The Codex Alimentarius and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Posted: August 22, 2009 Filed under: Food Control | Tags: Codex Alimentarius 19 Comments
Published: August 13, 2009, Good Fitness Tips
A scenario of drug dealers selling vitamins could become the norm soon, because of a set of “guidelines” used by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to resolve disputes.
These Guidelines are called the Codex Alimentarius (Food Cleanliness Codes). Because the WTO will use these guidelines to resolve disputes, countries which don’t accept the Codex, and make it law, will be penalized in international trade disputes for non compliance!
As most countries are either members of the WTO, or are trying to become members, this is one way of forcing the world to undemocratically submit to rules that will destroy the health of populations – but make billions in profit for the pharmaceutical cartel (which is of course owned by the world richest families, who are already trillionaires).
The section of the Codex that deals with nutritional supplements changes the classification of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids, and anything else necessary to sustain good health, from being foods, to being drugs. In other words, they would be controlled and regulated, and our access to these – essential ingredients for life – would only be via prescription from a doctor.
Why would the WTO do this? For the same reason that most things happen: money.
If you are taking nutritional supplements you are very unlikely to need or want drugs. That’s a real good reason for the pharma cartel to find a way to stop you from getting your vits.
On both sides of the Atlantic, we are voting politicians into office who are voting for Codex Alimentarius. That means that we are voting people into office who will stop us from getting the essential nutrients we need for life. I don’t know about you, but when I get sick I reach for Colloidal Silver and very high dose vitamin C. This is how I would handle most illnesses, from the Mexican flu to the common cold. In fact, as far as I’m concerned, anything viral or bacterial can be handled in this way.
These politicians are making it so that I would not be able to give my children anything close to a meaningful dose of vitamins in a health crisis – the likes of which will be upon us in a few short months. Even the terrestrial media is predicting the outbreak of Mexican flu pandemic this winter. Oh, and guess what? Roche has already made billions on pre-sales, of the symptom-suppressing Tamiflu – which heals nothing.
Did you know that Under Codex Alimentarius, any quantity of a vitamin larger than the RDA is considered potentially toxic and is illegal to sell? This, despite the fact that for decades many people have taken 100 times the RDA of Vitamin C (10 grams per day), even when they have been healthy – and a lot more if they’ve had a virus.
Food manufacturers want a very low RDA so they can say that their food contains 100% of the required amount of Vitamin C (and other vitamins), even though this is a lie. The pharma cartel wants to stop people from preventing and curing colds, flus, and other viral diseases with Vitamin C, so they can make billions of dollars every year selling cold and flu drugs that give only symptomatic relief – as Roche just did with Tamiflu. And they give no assurance that these will have any effect against Mexican flu!.
The aims of Codex Alimentarius are clearly defined: Statements on the curative effects of vitamins and other natural remedies will be banned and made a punishable offense. In the future, the distinction between a foodstuff and a medicine will be made by the pharma cartel itself, and not by governments. In other words, the pharma cartel will have the power to say vitamin C is a drug and can only be sold with a perscription!
Using this new legislative edict, the pharmaceutical industry will extend its own markets as it sees fit.
At present, the pharmaceutical industry in Germany has succeeded in classifying 500 milligrams of vitamin C, in pill form, as a medication requiring a prescription. If the pharmaceutical industry had its way, smaller amounts of vitamin C will be classified in the same manner.
The strategic aims of “Codex Alimentarius:
1. The distribution of health information concerning vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other natural products for the prevention and treatment of diseases will be banned globally.
2. The sale of vitamins and other natural products which exceed the guidelines of this Codex commission (which are arbitrary and far too low) will be prohibited globally.
3. Countries that fail to apply these laws will be punished by international economic sanctions.
What to do? First of all, go out and buy a kilo of the best vitamin C powder you can find (powder is cheaper, and has no fillers like tablets do). Get a liter at least of Colloidal Silver (not more then 15-20 PPM).
Then ask your local politician if he/she will vote against The Codex.
Trained as a photographer and artist, Steven de Koenigswarter developed a keen interest in health due to a personal crisis. With a new desire to do something meaningful to promote healthy living, he researched and developed a new line of natural products, to boost the immune system, and build up resistance against currently rampant and violent strains of bacteria and viruses. With his Health Factory he has provided healthy natural products for thousands. An avid sportsman and motorcycle racer himself, Steven is an example of his own products’ success.
To learn more about Steven and his products, visit Steven’s website, The Health Factory, and The Health Factory Blog.
Codex Threatens Health of Billions…
Posted: July 30, 2009 nwoobserver Filed under: Food Control, New World Order | Tags: Codex Alimentarius 8 Comments
by Barbara Minton
Source: NaturalNews
Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the dark about the coming nutricide. Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity. Yet, according to the projections based on figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guideline alone.
Former Nazi is father of contemporary Codex
Codex is the enemy of everyone except those who will profit from it. Codex has an association with those who committed crimes during the Nazi regime. At the end of World War II, the Nuremberg tribunal judged Nazis who had committed horrendous crimes against humanity and sentenced them to prison terms. One of those found guilty was the president of the megalithic corporation I.G. Farben, Hermann Schmitz. His company was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, and had extraordinary political and economic power and influence with the Hitlerian Nazi state. Farben produced the gas used in the Nazi gas chambers, and the steel for the railroads built to transport people to their deaths.
While serving his prison term, Schmitz looked for an alternative to brute force for controlling people and realized that people could be controlled through their food supply. When he got out of prison, he went to his friends at the United Nations (UN) and laid out a plan to take over the control of food worldwide. A trade commission called Codex Alimentarius (Latin for food code) was re-created under the guise of it being a consumer protection commission. But Codex was never in the business of protecting people. It has always been about money and profits at the expense of people.
In 1962, the timetable was set for Codex to be fully implemented on a global level by December 31, 2009. Under Codex, committees were established to create guidelines on such topics as fish and fisheries, fats and oils, fruits and vegetables, ground nuts, nutrition, food for specialized uses, and vitamins and minerals. There were 27 committees in all, creating a huge bureaucracy. Under Codex there are over 4,000 guidelines and regulations on everything that can be put into your mouth with the exception of pharmaceuticals which are not regulated by Codex.
Codex is a weapon being used to reduce the level of nutrition worldwide
Codex is an industry dominated regulation setting organization, and as such has no legal standing. Participation in Codex is said to be voluntary. But Codex has risen to the level of de facto legal standing because Codex is administered by the WHO and FAO. They fund it and run it at the request of the UN. Since the WHO and FAO are supposed to be about health, there is conflict of interest. The committees of Codex work up guidelines, rules and regulations, and present them to a Codex commission for ratification. Once they are ratified and approved by consensus, they become mandatory standards for any country that is a member of the WHO.
Codex was accepted when the WTO was formed in 1994 as a means of harmonizing food standards globally for easy trade between countries. As a result, countries must harmonize with Codex if they want to have any standing in a trade dispute. When disputes arise and countries are pulled in to WTO, the one that is Codex compliant automatically wins, regardless of the merits of its case.
Codex has become a weapon to make every nation scurry to become compliant to its mandated decline in nutritional standards. Compliance in the U.S. will mark the end of its consumer protection laws. Codex will not serve consumers. Codex will serve the interests of the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, and big agricultural industries.
Under Codex, nutrients are classified as poisons
The Dietary Substances Health and Education Act (DSHEA), was signed into law in 1994 for the purpose of ensuring that safe and appropriately labeled products would remain available to those who wanted to use them. In the findings associated with this law, Congress stated that there may be a positive relationship between sound dietary practice and good health, and a connection between dietary supplement use, reduced health-care expenses, and disease prevention. Under DSHEA, nutrients and herbs are classified as food. There is no upper limit set, and access is freely given. Americans are allowed to have any nutrients they want, because under English common law, anything that is not expressly forbidden is permitted.
Codex, on the other hand, is based on Napoleonic law and is much more restrictive. In 1994, the same year DSHEA was signed, Codex had nutrients declared to be toxic and poisonous. And as poisons, they claimed people must be protected from them through the use of toxicology and risk assessment, under which scientists test small doses on animals until they are able to discern an impact. They then take the first sign of the most minimal impact and divide this amount by 100 to establish a safety margin required from these poisons. This means that the largest dose of any nutrient allowed under Codex is 1/100th of the amount shown to produce the first discernable impact.
Nutrients allowed under Codex are limited to those on the positive list, expected to contain only 18 nutrients, one of them being fluoride. Although fluoride has no biological benefit whatsoever, it does make people complacent.
The Codex proponents now have several bills before Congress designed to overturn and get rid of DSHEA. Once this is accomplished, the U.S. will have been harmonized with the vitamin and mineral guidelines of codex. High potency, therapeutically effective, significant nutrients will then be illegal in the way that heroin is illegal. They will not even be available by prescription.
Codex supports toxic food additives, pesticides and GM foods
Codex poses a significant threat to the food supply, according to Dr. Robert Verkerk, founder and director of the Alliance for Natural Health. About 300 dangerous food additives that are mainly synthetic will be allowed under Codex, including aspartame, BHA, BHT, potassium bromate, tartrazine, and more. Dr. Verkerk is particularly concerned that no consideration has been given to potential risks associated with long-term exposure to mixtures of additives.
Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that can be used in food, but they are incredibly high, and the list of chemicals that can be used is long. In 2001, 176 countries including the U.S. got together and decided that 12 highly toxic organic chemicals, known as persistent organic pollutants (POPS), were so bad that they had to be banned. There are many more than 12 toxic chemicals used on food, but these 12 were unanimously declared to be the worst. Of these, 9 are pesticides.
Under Codex, 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS will again be allowed in the production of food. All together, Codex allows over 3,275 different pesticides, including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disrupters. There is no consideration of the long-term effects of exposure to mixtures of pesticide residues in food.
Organic food governance will be dumbed down to suit the interests of large food producers. Various synthetic chemical additives and processing aids will be allowed, and food labeled as organic may be irradiated. Labeling will permit the use of hidden, non-organic ingredients.
Monsanto, a member of Codex, will benefit greatly as production of genetically modified (GM) foods are stepped up and more GM plants are given the green light. Terminator seeds will be approved for international trade. GM food animals will also be on the way.
Under Codex, every dairy animal can be treated with growth hormone, and all animals in the food chain will be treated with sub-clinical levels of antibiotics. Codex will lead to the required irradiation of all foods with the exception of those grown locally and sold raw.
Codex is food regulations that are in fact the legalization of mandated toxicity and under-nutrition. Of the 3 billion people initially expected to die as the result of the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines, 2 billion of them will die from the preventable diseases that result from under-nutrition, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many others. Those who will live will be the wealthy elites who are able to somehow provide themselves with sources of clean food and other nutrients.
Codex is legalized genocide
Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., writing for Natural News, has characterized Codex as “population control for money”. He sees Codex as run by the U.S. and controlled by the big pharmaceutical corporations and the likes of Monsanto with the purpose of reducing the population of the world to a level considered sustainable by those promulgating the New World Order. This would mean a reduction of approximately 93 percent of the current world population.
Once Codex standards are adopted there will be no turning back. When Codex compliance is instigated in any area, as long as the country remains a member of the WTO, those standards cannot be repealed, or altered in any way.
The time for modifying Codex guidelines is rapidly disappearing
Some hope remains. Over the years, the WTO has accepted Codex standards as presumptive evidence of the rules of trade between countries. However, several times in history, the WTO has refused to make Codex the single and only standard to be used in trade disputes. Under Codex`s own statutes, their guidelines are claimed to be “advisory”, and nations are able to set up their own guidelines as long as they are more restrictive than those of Codex.
Since compliance with Codex standards is simply presumptive evidence, and not finally determinative, a nation can opt out of the guidelines in an effort to protect its traditional foods and remedies. The Codex two step process is a legal strategy developed to help nations wanting to do this. Under step one, the country develops its own food and health guidelines that may be at variance with Codex guidelines. For example, it may be much stricter on the issues of toxins in the food supply or on the issue of genetically modified foods. It may require, for example, that companies using GM ingredients be required to indicate them on food labels. In countries that refuse to use GM foods, this can be indicated on their label too, so that people can make informed choices. The second step is to adopt a national law that implements those guidelines on a sound scientific basis.
Normally, in a trade dispute before the WTO, the country that has adopted Codex guidelines will be the winner of that dispute based on those guidelines being presumptive evidence. However, when countries have gone through the two step process to create their own guidelines, there is no such presumption, and the WTO will look at the science behind the guidelines.
In the U.S. the door is open to Codex
In 1995, the FDA issued a policy statement saying that international standards such as Codex would supersede U.S. laws governing all food. Under the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which is illegal under current U.S. law, but is legal under international law, the U.S. is required to conform to Codex as it stands on December 31, 2009, unless it creates its own guidelines and gets them approved under the two step process. Given current government sentiment, this seems unlikely. Besides, as guidelines are one-by-one chiseled into standards, time is running out.
Codex Alimentarius and the Idiocracy
Posted: September 24, 2009 Filed under: Food Control, New World Order | Tags: Codex Alimentarius, Depopulation Agenda, European Union 1 Comment
by Scott Tips
Published: Sep. 14, 2009 – News With Views
Three years ago a film came out of Hollywood that was conceptually great even if the execution was fatally flawed. Called Idiocracy, this comedy follows the mishaps of a character named Joe Bowers who is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but who, through a government hibernation experiment gone wrong, awakens to a society in the year 2505 that has become so stupid because of mass commercialism that Joe shines as a genius in comparison. After a predictable series of mishaps, the point is clear: We are on the wrong track in pushing dumbed-down, ‘me too’ concepts and products. Society will only worsen, not improve.
Organic vs. Artificial
It is a lesson that modern-day fighters for individual liberty learned decades ago. In ensuring and protecting freedom for the individual, we create a better society. On a pragmatic level, individual liberty is a concept that sees the health and happiness of the parts as leading to the health of the whole – not the reverse. Put another way, individual liberty is organic – when not blocked artificially, it flows naturally and creates healthy relationships in an ever-expanding web of mutually-beneficial interactions among people.
On the other hand, much of today’s political and economic structure is not organic but artificial. It comes from the Top down, not the bottom up. It does not flow naturally, easily, and quickly but with artificial constraints that are marked by dissension, delays, and waste. It is, by nature, coercive. ‘You do what we say because you have to and at the ultimate point of a gun. You do not do it voluntarily.’
With this in mind, we can see that the larger structures being created or expanded in the 21st Century are not geared to preserving or even considering individual freedom. Rather, they are all about mass uniformity and commercialism in their worst forms. Whether it is the European Union or the still-in-utero North American Union, their object is the same: stifling individualism in favour of a collectivistic uniformity. Yes, of course, lip service will be paid to the individual with such hollow slogans as ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave’; but it is still the Whole consuming the Parts. It is still artificial, stiff, and unnatural.
Codex Alimentarius
For those readers not familiar with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, it is just one more of these mass-uniformity structures. Originally created in 1962 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization with the noblest of stated intentions – that is, to protect consumer food health and eliminate barriers to international food trade – the Codex Alimentarius Commission has been engaged in developing food standards and guidelines that will be imposed from the Top down. Captured by interests antithetical to health freedom, Codex is now well on the path to promulgating food rules that will lead to ‘dumbed-down’ health – a kind of health Idiocracy – for individuals throughout the World.
That is precisely why the National Health Federation (NHF), an international nonprofit consumer health-freedom organization, has been sending me to these Codex committee meetings every year for ten years in a row now. Having obtained official Codex observer status, the NHF is able to attend and speak out at these meetings. It is also able to submit, and has submitted, written arguments in favor of health-freedom positions at many of these meetings. As the only health-freedom organization accredited by Codex, NHF has almost always been the lone voice striving to eliminate oppressive standards and guidelines while enhancing consumer freedom of choice. The other delegates and organizations at these meetings are basically FDA-style bureaucrats and trade organizations with their own special commercial interests and agendas.
In particular, NHF has opposed the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement Guidelines that were adopted in framework form in 2004-2005, and that will limit access to healthy dietary supplements as well as ‘dumb down’ their potencies to non-beneficial levels. These maximum upper permitted limits have not yet been set. However, if the Germans, Danes and others have their way, then ridiculously-low limits will be imposed that will ensure that supplements pose no competition with their pharmaceutical industry. For example, the German Institute (BfR) that has conducted ‘research’ into this area has determined that niacin is dangerous to consumers at levels higher than 17 milligrams per capsule! This is the madness that they would impose upon the rest of us as they die from their drug-and-sausage-induced heart attacks. That is a party we have no intention of joining!
In another area, ironically enough, the EU and NHF have worked together at the Codex Committee on Food Labelling meetings to see that genetically-modified foods are labeled as such for the consumer. In this case, the North Americans, joined by the Argentineans, Australians, and New Zealanders, are the bad actors, contending, as the American delegate has said, that “the consumer is too ignorant to understand GM-labelled foods.” So far, this battle has been a draw but NHF has been aggressively vocal at each of these meetings arguing for the right of the consumer to know what he or she is eating.
Codex guidelines and standards cover many more subjects than those just mentioned. Ranging from oils and food additives to pesticides and natural mineral waters, Codex is involved. And while these standards are ostensibly to be applied to international trade, the Codex Strategic Plan specifically states – and almost all countries agree – that they will be applied domestically as well. It is just a matter of time, they say.
Bigger Is Not Always Better
In the European Union, which began innocently enough as nothing more than a Customs Union, decisions – important decisions – are increasingly made by the European Commission in Brussels. Each year, fewer and fewer decisions are being made in Dublin or London or Paris or Madrid. The natural tendency of governments and their institutions to grow over time is asserting itself, inexorably, like the laws of gravity and space. Power is being sucked in to the Center. It is being increasingly centralized.
And therein lies the major problem, for the more that you distance the power wielders from those over whom they exercise that power, the more corrupt and arrogant they will become and behave. It is ultimately about accountability, and you cannot have true accountability when the rulers are not immediately and directly accountable to the citizens.
The problem with the latest attempt to accumulate even more power in the hands of the EU Superstate, through the Lisbon Treaty, is that the rulers and the ruled will become even more distant from one another than they already are! Centralization of power is the bane of freedom. As rulers become less accountable to their subjects – or citizens – they will become more corrupt and more likely to do harm.
But as unlikely as it may seem now, there is another, more important reason to shun centralization: Increased concentration of power attracts sociopaths to it like flames attract moths. Such power in one place is irresistible to those who crave it. This is hard for the average decent person to comprehend, but sociopaths do exist and they do gravitate towards power. A more powerful Brussels will be an even stronger magnet for the future power-mongers of the World. Do we really need to invite another Hitler or Stalin to rain ruin down upon us?
The Banality of Centralization
While some might scoff at a future EU dictator in the same way that the Germans scoffed at a Nazi Germany in the 1920s, even the scoffers must accept the very real risk – I would say certainty – that a more powerful and centralized European Union will result in the banality of life – its ‘dumbing down’ as political, economic, and social life is forced into an artificial, bureaucratically-crafted mold of European uniformity.
This is already taking place. The heavy hand of distant bureaucrats is felt throughout the EU’s member states over the littlest of details – from weights and measures to employee relations to vitamin and mineral food supplements. Think of any aspect of your life in the European Union and the EU Superstate is involved at some level. Again, distant bureaucrats making important decisions about your life.
Codex and the EU
This, too, is where the worlds of the EU and Codex intersect. Unknown to the average citizen, the Codex Commission and Committees are trundling along, each year, making rule after rule that its member countries, the EU included, are expected to adopt – both in international trade and domestic trade. There are treaties and agreements that exist right now that commit the member states to adopting these Codex ‘guidelines.’ These include, but are not limited to, the Technical Barriers to Trade and the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreements, and the EU is a signatory to both of these.
At Codex meetings, the EU representative has been pushing his narrow view that consumers must be protected from vitamin and mineral food supplements. They are too strong in potency and there are too many ‘unproven’ ones, he claims, so they must be ‘dumbed down’ to a level that will be of no benefit to anyone except to the pharmaceutical companies whose profits are protected by the elimination of competition. The EU representative at the Codex Committee dealing with this issue has immense influence; and I have even seen him giving instructions to the Committee Chairman right in front of the other delegates during the meeting. That is how bold it has become!
So the EU Superstate – claiming all the while that it of course has the best interests of the consumers in mind – is pushing reduced potency and variety of supplements within the EU and internationally through Codex. Within the EU, Ireland, Britain, Sweden, and the Netherlands (being the most liberal countries, permitting the sale of a wider variety and higher potency of supplements) will be the first to fall (at the end of this year through EU Food Supplements Directive – not because of Codex as some misinformed persons will tell you), to be followed later at some as-yet-to-be-determined date by global Codex rules. The United States and Canada, represented as they are by food bureaucrats of their own, are happy enough to be along for the ride.
Unless resisted successfully, the end result will be EU markets full of foods that are less healthy without the availability of food supplements to bridge the gap. The Idiocracy will have arrived – literally – as the general population is starved of real nutrition for their brains and bodies. A compliant, non-rebellious citizenry, what more could our distant Rulers ask for?
Codex Alimentarius – How The Global Elite Will Control Your Food Supply…
Posted: July 7, 2009 Filed under: Food Control, New World Order | Tags: Codex Alimentarius 19 Comments
by Robert Singer
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), based in Rome, Italy is an international organization jointly created in 1962 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations “allegedly” to protect the health of consumers with guidelines for food standards.
Codex Alimentarius may present the greatest disaster for our food supply and thus our health this country has ever seen, and if not stopped is likely to be implemented in 2011.
The Codex and its regulations affecting our food sovereignty go back to 1962. Fortunately in 1994 Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which for the moment preserved the definition of vitamins, minerals and herbs as foods.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the “World According to Monsanto,” should be required viewing and are related to the Codex. In the U.S. and in the Codex GMO’s do not require labeling making in impossible to know what you are eating.
Without congressional oversight the U.S. will move towards the policies of Canada and Mexico where supplements are considered drugs, not foods. Codex if implemented will reverse DSHEA and the U.S. will no longer treat dietary supplements as foods, but as toxins.
The Codex will be enforced by the barrel of a gun.
The FDA will use their power to outlaw more than raw almonds and tryptophan. In Ohio a food co-op was raided Gestapo style by the USDA because they sold a dozen eggs to an aggressive undercover agent “without a business license.”
Is the FDA looking out for consumers … unlikely.
Half of the 198 new drugs the FDA approved from 1976 to 1985 had to be withdrawn or relabeled because they caused unexpected side effects. Predictably no one at the FDA withdrew Donald Rumsfeld’s Aspartame sold under the trade names Equal and NutraSweet. Aspartame is a deadly carcinogen made from the feces of e coli bacteria that we can’t avoid because it’s an additive in just about every food we eat.
The story gets even more interesting when you find out NAZI Germany’s notorious I.G. Farben cartel is behind Codex and the proposals that would drastically curtail our health care freedoms.
Catherine Bertini, the head of the UN food programs in 1995, paraphrased the famous Kissinger statement, “Food is power. We use it to change behavior.”
Is this the first time you have heard of “Codex Alimentarius?” That’s not unusual because Codex is an “open secret.” The information is available if you want to look for it but the corporate controlled media isn’t going to tell you about it until its already too late.
Monsanto, Big Pharma, Chema and Agra have convinced most companies “Codex is a non-issue”, and that they will actually gain market share when Codex is implemented.
So who is raising awareness about this issue?
John C. Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom and Ian Crane an ex oil field executive. Ian lectures and writes on U.S. Hegemony and the NWO agenda for control of Global Resources.
Mr Crane says, “After spending the past twelve months investigating Codex Alimentarius, I am deeply disturbed by the almost total lack of awareness (or even interest) with regard to the implications of this pernicious global Commission, particularly amongst those most affected by the excesses of this restrictive legislation.”
The general lack of public awareness is well illustrated by the low traffic volume visiting his website.
Ian warns of the “pernicious” effects legislation will have believing “without a shadow of a doubt” there is a plot by major food and pharmaceutical companies to see that the Codex proposals become international law.
Codex is laying siege to our freedom of choice, let’s stop it.
Normally I don’t recommend those take action campaigns. The ones that tell you, it’s not too late, click-here to importune our elected representatives with emails and faxes. But Codex Alemintarius is different.
The inconvenient truth for our elected representatives their families and staff is they have to eat and take vitamins and supplements… just like us. So go ahead and email, fax and phone. This is one email campaign that might just work.
It’s going to come down to a massive rebellion.
The DSHEA law that kept the FDA off our backs was passed because millions and millions of letters were sent to people in Congress demanding health freedom. International Advocates for Health Freedom website has a “take action” page.
Think buying organic will help you? Well, not as much as you think, because the U.S. currently allows for up to 10% of GMO contamination of organic foods (the highest of any country in the world, most permit 0.1%).
You can make a difference by support local self sustaining farmers who refuse to use GMO seeds. And of course start a garden and grow your own food.
Because guess what? …..They can’t stop us from growing our own food.
The Documentation About “Codex Alimentarius”
Posted: July 9, 2009 Filed under: Food Control, New World Order, Totalitarian Tiptoe | Tags: Codex Alimentarius, Multinational Corporations 14 Comments
by Dr. Rath
Source: Dr. Rath Health Foundation
What are the aims of the Codex Alimentarius Commission?
Constructed by the pharmaceutical industry, the Codex Alimentarius Commission is a self-proclaimed expert organization that has allied with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food Organization (FAO). From the beginning, this was done with the intention of passing regulations and laws to protect the global pharmaceutical market.
Of the 30 committees using the title “Codex Alimentarius,” those involved with food supplements and vitamins are of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry. The central committee is the “Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses.” A puppet of the pharmaceutical industry, this committee has only been concerned with one topic since the middle of the 1990’s: how to prevent vitamins and other food supplements from causing the collapse of the markets for beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, cholesterol lowering products and other widely superfluous pharmaceutical preparations.
By far, Germany is the biggest exporter of these dubious pharmaceutical products and nowhere else in the world exists such a bond between the pharmaceutical industry and politics. Therefore it is no surprise that the Government of the German Federal Republic is in charge of this committee, benefiting the pharmaceutical cartel.
The aims of Codex Alimentarius are clearly defined: Statements on the curative effects of vitamins and other natural remedies will be banned and made a punishable offense. In the future, the distinction between a foodstuff and a medicine will be made by the pharmaceutical industry itself and not by governments.
Using this new legislative edict, the pharmaceutical industry will extend its own markets as it sees fit. At present, the pharmaceutical industry has succeeded in classifying 500 milligrams of vitamin C in pill form as a medication requiring a prescription in Germany. If the pharmaceutical industry had its way, 100 mg or even 50 mg of vitamin C would be classified as medication.
The pharmaceutical industry knows that most people have no understanding of these restrictions and has disguised them with legal jargon.
The strategic aims of “Codex Alimentarius”
- The distribution of health information concerning vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other natural products for the prevention and treatment of diseases will be banned globally.
- The sale of vitamins and other natural products which exceed the guidelines of this Codex commission (which are arbitrary and far too low) will be prohibited globally.
- Countries that fail to apply these laws will be punished by international economic sanctions.
To mask its actual intention of protecting the world market of superfluous pharmaceutical preparations, those responsible for Codex have invented exculpatory statements: Thus the next Codex Alimentarius conference will occur at the “Federal Office for Health-related Consumer Protection” in Berlin in November of 2002. In addition to the “consumer protection” from alleged “harmful side effects” of vitamins, a need for united international administration of the pharmaceutical industry was indicated.
The fact that the pharmaceutical industry believes that this disguised justification will be unacceptable is clearly evident since Codex plans to punish all those who oppose its plans with economic sanctions by the UN.
Our response: Talk to as many people as possible about these irresponsible plans and let the members of the Codex commission and their delegates know what you think.
Codex Alimentarius – How The Global Elite Will Control Your Food Supply…
Posted: July 7, 2009 Filed under: Food Control, New World Order | Tags: Codex Alimentarius 19 Comments
by Robert Singer
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), based in Rome, Italy is an international organization jointly created in 1962 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations “allegedly” to protect the health of consumers with guidelines for food standards.
Codex Alimentarius may present the greatest disaster for our food supply and thus our health this country has ever seen, and if not stopped is likely to be implemented in 2011.
The Codex and its regulations affecting our food sovereignty go back to 1962. Fortunately in 1994 Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which for the moment preserved the definition of vitamins, minerals and herbs as foods.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the “World According to Monsanto,” should be required viewing and are related to the Codex. In the U.S. and in the Codex GMO’s do not require labeling making in impossible to know what you are eating.
Without congressional oversight the U.S. will move towards the policies of Canada and Mexico where supplements are considered drugs, not foods. Codex if implemented will reverse DSHEA and the U.S. will no longer treat dietary supplements as foods, but as toxins.
The Codex will be enforced by the barrel of a gun.
The FDA will use their power to outlaw more than raw almonds and tryptophan. In Ohio a food co-op was raided Gestapo style by the USDA because they sold a dozen eggs to an aggressive undercover agent “without a business license.”
Is the FDA looking out for consumers … unlikely.
Half of the 198 new drugs the FDA approved from 1976 to 1985 had to be withdrawn or relabeled because they caused unexpected side effects. Predictably no one at the FDA withdrew Donald Rumsfeld’s Aspartame sold under the trade names Equal and NutraSweet. Aspartame is a deadly carcinogen made from the feces of e coli bacteria that we can’t avoid because it’s an additive in just about every food we eat.
The story gets even more interesting when you find out NAZI Germany’s notorious I.G. Farben cartel is behind Codex and the proposals that would drastically curtail our health care freedoms.
Catherine Bertini, the head of the UN food programs in 1995, paraphrased the famous Kissinger statement, “Food is power. We use it to change behavior.”
Is this the first time you have heard of “Codex Alimentarius?” That’s not unusual because Codex is an “open secret.” The information is available if you want to look for it but the corporate controlled media isn’t going to tell you about it until its already too late.
Monsanto, Big Pharma, Chema and Agra have convinced most companies “Codex is a non-issue”, and that they will actually gain market share when Codex is implemented.
So who is raising awareness about this issue?
John C. Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom and Ian Crane an ex oil field executive. Ian lectures and writes on U.S. Hegemony and the NWO agenda for control of Global Resources.
Mr Crane says, “After spending the past twelve months investigating Codex Alimentarius, I am deeply disturbed by the almost total lack of awareness (or even interest) with regard to the implications of this pernicious global Commission, particularly amongst those most affected by the excesses of this restrictive legislation.”
The general lack of public awareness is well illustrated by the low traffic volume visiting his website.
Ian warns of the “pernicious” effects legislation will have believing “without a shadow of a doubt” there is a plot by major food and pharmaceutical companies to see that the Codex proposals become international law.
Codex is laying siege to our freedom of choice, let’s stop it.
Normally I don’t recommend those take action campaigns. The ones that tell you, it’s not too late, click-here to importune our elected representatives with emails and faxes. But Codex Alemintarius is different.
The inconvenient truth for our elected representatives their families and staff is they have to eat and take vitamins and supplements… just like us. So go ahead and email, fax and phone. This is one email campaign that might just work.
It’s going to come down to a massive rebellion.
The DSHEA law that kept the FDA off our backs was passed because millions and millions of letters were sent to people in Congress demanding health freedom. International Advocates for Health Freedom website has a “take action” page.
Think buying organic will help you? Well, not as much as you think, because the U.S. currently allows for up to 10% of GMO contamination of organic foods (the highest of any country in the world, most permit 0.1%).
You can make a difference by support local self sustaining farmers who refuse to use GMO seeds. And of course start a garden and grow your own food.
Because guess what? …..They can’t stop us from growing our own food.
GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans…
Posted: July 30, 2009 Filed under: Food Control | Tags: GM Food, Monsanto
by F. William Engdahl
Source: GlobalResearch
One of the great mysteries surrounding the spread of GMO plants around the world since the first commercial crops were released in the early 1990’s in the USA and Argentina has been the absence of independent scientific studies of possible long-term effects of a diet of GMO plants on humans or even rats. Now it has come to light the real reason. The GMO agribusiness companies like Monsanto, BASF, Pioneer, Syngenta and others prohibit independent research.
An editorial in the respected American scientific monthly magazine, Scientific American, August 2009 reveals the shocking and alarming reality behind the proliferation of GMO products throughout the food chain of the planet since 1994. There are no independent scientific studies published in any reputed scientific journal in the world for one simple reason. It is impossible to independently verify that GMO crops such as Monsanto Roundup Ready Soybeans or MON8110 GMO maize perform as the company claims, or that, as the company also claims, that they have no harmful side effects because the GMO companies forbid such tests!
That’s right. As a precondition to buy seeds, either to plant for crops or to use in research study, Monsanto and the gene giant companies must first sign an End User Agreement with the company. For the past decade, the period when the greatest proliferation of GMO seeds in agriculture has taken place, Monsanto, Pioneer (DuPont) and Syngenta require anyone buying their GMO seeds to sign an agreement that explicitly forbids that the seeds be used for any independent research. Scientists are prohibited from testing a seed to explore under what conditions it flourishes or even fails. They cannot compare any characteristics of the GMO seed with any other GMO or non-GMO seeds from another company. Most alarming, they are prohibited from examining whether the genetically modified crops lead to unintended side-effects either in the environment or in animals or humans.
The only research which is permitted to be published in reputable scientific peer-reviewed journals are studies which have been pre-approved by Monsanto and the other industry GMO firms.
The entire process by which GMO seeds have been approved in the United States, beginning with the proclamation by then President George H.W. Bush in 1992, on request of Monsanto, that no special Government tests of safety for GMO seeds would be conducted because they were deemed by the President to be “substantially equivalent” to non-GMO seeds, has been riddled with special interest corruption. Former attorneys for Monsanto were appointed responsible in EPA and FDA for rules governing GMO seeds as but one example and no Government tests of GMO seed safety to date have been carried out. All tests are provided to the US Government on GMO safety or performance by the companies themselves such as Monsanto. Little wonder that GMO sounds to positive and that Monsanto and others can falsely claim GMO is the “solution to world hunger.”
In the United States a group of twenty four leading university corn insect scientists have written to the US Government Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanding the EPA force a change to the company censorship practice. It is as if Chevrolet or Tata Motors or Fiat tried to censor comparative crash tests of their cars in Consumer Reports or a comparable consumer publication because they did not like the test results. Only this deals with the human and animal food chain. The scientists rightly argue to EPA that food safety and environment protection “depend on making plant products available to regular scientific scrutiny.” We should think twice before we eat that next box of American breakfast cereal if the corn used is GMO .
F. William Engdahl
is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. He may be contacted via his website at
The Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach…
Posted: July 15, 2009 Filed under: Food Control | Tags: Monsanto,
by Linn Cohen-Cole
Source: Surviving the Middle Class Crash
People say if farmers don’t want problems from Monsanto, just don’t buy their GMO seeds.
Not so simple. Where are farmers supposed to get normal seed these days? How are they supposed to avoid contamination of their fields from GM-crops? How are they supposed to stop Monsanto detectives from trespassing or Monsanto from using helicopters to fly over spying on them?
Monsanto contaminates the fields, trespasses onto the land taking samples and if they find any GMO plants growing there (or say they have), they then sue, saying they own the crop. It’s a way to make money since farmers can’t fight back and court and they settle because they have no choice.
And they have done and are doing a bucket load of things to keep farmers and everyone else from having any access at all to buying, collecting, and saving of NORMAL seeds.
1. They’ve bought up the seed companies across the Midwest.
2. They’ve written Monsanto seed laws and gotten legislators to put them through, that make cleaning, collecting and storing of seeds so onerous in terms of fees and paperwork and testing and tracking every variety and being subject to fines, that having normal seed becomes almost impossible (an NAIS approach to wiping out normal seeds). Does your state have such a seed law? Before they existed, farmers just collected the seeds and put them in sacks in the shed and used them the next year, sharing whatever they wished with friends and neighbors, selling some if they wanted. That’s been killed.
In Illinois, which has such a seed law, Madigan, the Speaker of the House, his staff is Monsanto lobbyists.
3. Monsanto is pushing anti-democracy laws (Vilsack’s brainchild, actually) that remove community’ control over their own counties so farmers and citizens can’t block the planting of GMO crops even if they can contaminate other crops. So if you don’t want a GM-crop that grows industrial chemicals or drugs or a rice growing with human DNA in it, in your area and mixing with your crops, tough luck.
Check the map of just where the Monsanto/Vilsack laws are and see if your state is still a democracy or is Monsanto’s. A farmer in Illinois told me he heard that Bush had pushed through some regulation that made this true in every state. People need to check on that.
4. For sure there are Monsanto regulations buried in the FDA right now that make a farmer’s seed cleaning equipment illegal (another way to leave nothing but GM-seeds) because it’s now considered a “source of seed contamination.” Farmer can still seed clean but the equipment now has to be certified and a farmer said it would require a million to a million and half dollar building and equipment … for EACH line of seed. Seed storage facilities are also listed (another million?) and harvesting and transport equipment. And manure. Something that can contaminate seed. Notice that chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not mentioned.
You could eat manure and be okay (a little grossed out but okay). Try that with pesticides and fertilizers. Indian farmers have. Their top choice for how to commit suicide to escape the debt they have been left in is to drink Monsanto pesticides.
5. Monsanto is picking off seed cleaners across the Midwest. In Pilot Grove, Missouri, in Indiana (Maurice Parr), and now in southern Illinois (Steve Hixon). And they are using US marshals and state troopers and county police to show up in three cars to serve the poor farmers who had used Hixon as their seed cleaner, telling them that he or their neighbors turned them in, so across that 6 county areas, no one talking to neighbors and people are living in fear and those farming communities are falling apart from the suspicion Monsanto sowed. Hixon’s office got broken into and he thinks someone put a GPS tracking device on his equipment and that’s how Monsanto found between 200-400 customers in very scattered and remote areas, and threatened them all and destroyed his business within 2 days.
So, after demanding that seed cleaners somehow be able to tell one seed from another (or be sued to kingdom come) or corrupting legislatures to put in laws about labeling of seeds that are so onerous no one can cope with them, what is Monsanto’s attitude about labeling their own stuff? You guessed it – they’re out there pushing laws against ANY labeling of their own GM-food and animals and of any exports to other countries. Why?
We know and they know why.
As Norman Braksick, the president of Asgrow Seed Co. (now owned by Monsanto) predicted in the Kansas City Star (3/7/94) seven years ago, “If you put a label on a genetically engineered food, you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.”
And they’ve sued dairy farmers for telling the truth about their milk being rBGH-free, though rBGH is associated with an increased risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers.
I just heard that some seed dealers urge farmers to buy the seed under the seed dealer’s name, telling the farmers it helps the dealer get a discount on seed to buy a lot under their own name. Then Monsanto sues the poor farmer for buying their seed without a contract and extorts huge sums from them.
Here’s a youtube video that is worth your time. Vandana Shiva is one of the leading anti-Monsanto people in the world. In this video, she says (and this video is old), Monsanto had sued 1500 farmers whose fields had simply been contaminated by GM-crops. Listen to all the ways Monsanto goes after farmers.
Do you know the story of Gandhi in India and how the British had salt laws that taxed salt? The British claimed it as theirs. Gandhi had what was called a Salt Satyagraha, in which people were asked to break the laws and march to the sea and collect the salt without paying the British. A kind of Boston tea party, I guess.
Thousands of people marched 240 miles to the ocean where the British were waiting. As people moved forward to collect the salt, the British soldiers clubbed them but the people kept coming. The non-violent protest exposed the British behavior, which was so revolting to the world that it helped end British control in India.
Vandana Shiva has started a Seed Satyagraha – nonviolent non-cooperation around seed laws – has gotten millions of farmers to sign a pledge to break those laws.
American farmers and cattlemen might appreciate what Gandhi fought for and what Shiva is bringing back and how much it is about what we are all so angry about – loss of basic freedoms. [The highlighting is mine.]
The Seed Satyagraha is the name for the nonviolent, noncooperative movement that Dr. Shiva has organized to stand against seed monopolies. According to Dr. Shiva, the name was inspired by Gandhi’s famous walk to the Dandi Beach, where he picked up salt and said, “You can’t monopolize this which we need for life.” But it’s not just the noncooperation aspect of the movement that is influenced by Gandhi. The creative side saving seeds, trading seeds, farming without corporate dependence–without their chemicals, without their seed.
” All this is talked about in the language that Gandhi left us as a legacy. We work with three key concepts.”
” (One) Swadeshi…which means the capacity to do your own thing–produce your own food, produce your own goods….”
“(Two) Swaraj–to govern yourself. And we fight on three fronts–water, food, and seed. JalSwaraj is water independence–water freedom and water sovereignty. Anna Swaraj is food freedom, food sovereignty. And Bija Swaraj is seed freedom and seed sovereignty. Swa means self–that which rises from the self and is very, very much a deep notion of freedom.
“I believe that these concepts, which are deep, deep, deep in Indian civilization, Gandhi resurrected them to fight for freedom. They are very important for today’s world because so far what we’ve had is centralized state rule, giving way now to centralized corporate control, and we need a third alternate. That third alternate is, in part, citizens being able to tell their state, ‘This is what your function is. This is what your obligations are,’ and being able to have their states act on corporations to say, ‘This is something you cannot do.’”
” (Three) Satyagraha, non-cooperation, basically saying, ‘We will do our thing and any law that tries to say that (our freedom) is illegal… we will have to not cooperate with it. We will defend our freedoms to have access to water, access to seed, access to food, access to medicine.’” /?news_id=5768
Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code)
Summarized in 7 points
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer | |
Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
- Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH.ISBN 978-3527281442.
- Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
- Max Bodenstein, H. Leuchs (1931). "Sitzung vom 16. November 1931". Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 64 (11): A211–A212. doi:10.1002/cber.19 310641139.*
- ter Meer Prize University Bonn
- "Ter Meer family." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
- Uerdingen industrial area history
Trade is about Business!! Trade is about Profit!! Well they said in 1962 we're going to work towards total, global implimentation of Codex Alimentarius on December 31st, 2009. Long Term.... and they set up a bunch of committees.. committees on fish and fishery...fats and oil... fruits and vegetables... ground nuts...nutritian for special diatary uses and so on. There are currently about 27 Codex committees, they are regional organisations, there are task forces and so anf so on. So it's ahugh beaurocratic's emence. Codex has promogated well over 4,000 guidelines, standards and regulations on everything...everything which can legally be put into your mouth, with the excpetion of Pharmaceuticals. they are not part of Codex. That is an importand point. Now Codex standards have no legal weight whatsoever. Zero. So who cares about them..their just we are talking about an industry setting regulation organisation, but if it has no legal standing .. who cares? Right!! Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962.
Please note here that Fritz ter Meer was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes . After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He officiialy retired as supervisory board chairman of Bayer AG in 1961 so he could behind the scene concentrate of working with his UN buddies on developing his idea of setting up a syatem that will control the whoole world's food supply under the code name Codex Alimentarius. It would not look good publicly for Fritz ter Meer who was sentenced to only seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes, and only served about three years of his sentence because of his powerful UN buddies, to be seen to be publicly be involved with Codex Alimentarius.Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962. The Austian Hungarian Empire said we need rules by which the courts can rule on cases involving food.o we'll have regulations and rules that the courts will enforce.... that's how they get their way. That was called the Codex Alimentarius and was put into place around 1893 and lasted until the end of the Austrian Hungarian Empire in the first world war. So the idea was there in the Germanic tradition. We need rules..lots of rules...lots a
nd lots and lots of rules..we need a lot of rules... let's have rules for everything to do with food. So it was a natural extention for the German Industrialists to say we'll go back to the good old days of Codex Alimentarius back when we had them in Austrian Hungarian Empire. Cool. So they started promilgating their rules and regulations and they were voluntary. They were sort of guidlines. Now Codex Alimentarius Commission is administered by the World Health Oganisation (WHO) and the Food and Aricultural Organisation (FAO) and they fund Codex and they run it at the request of the United Nations (UN). So the're mummy and daddy to Codex Alimentarius. And that's very interesting because they're supposed to be about health and food world wide. Some conflicts of interest that we'll talk about. So Codex started promilgating regulations and rules, and the way that's done is that the committees work up a rule, a standard, a guideline, or regulation an dthey get it to what's called a step 8 which is the final step in their administrative process... and then it's presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for ratification, like the vitamin and mineral guidline was presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission on July 4th this past summer (2005). It was ratified... it was approved by consensus...and it is now...despite the propaganda that your going to hear if you every hear about it in the media... it is now mandatory on any member country and the WTO, the World Trade Organisation. Well what in the world do they have to do with it? And the answer is everything. The World Trade Organisation you see accepted Codex when the world organisation was formed in 1994. They said, "well how are we going to decide trade disputes around food if we don't have a set of rules. I know..we'll accept the Codex Alimentarius rulesand all the members of the WTO will...willl world wide...get ready for an Orwellian Term will harmonise with are standards, with the codex standards.. I suggest you capitalise the first four letters in your mind ...HARM... onise ... everybody is supposed to .HARM... onise... with Codex.... and when they HARM... onise with Codex, then if the get pulled into the WTO Dispute Resolution Process they have a chance of winning because here's the kicker... are you ready for this one ... if two countries go into the World Trade Organisation Dispute Resolution Process and one of then is Codex compliant, and one of them is not Codex Compliant.. the one that is Codex Compliant automaticlly wins regardless of the merit of the case. People are using Codex Compliant in a much bigger economic battle. So every couunty in the world is racing to do what? Become Codex Compliant. So in the United States...the situation is OK do we become Codex compliant when we have laws that protect us. You have to remember that Codex does not serve consumer well being. Codex does not serve what I call the five Bigs...Big Pharma Big Chema Big Biotechna Big AgriBiz and Bid Medica ,,,little me and little you are not served by Codex, in the least, so before we go forward and talk about the rest of what has to happen, let's ask what Codex does? You probably all know about the vitamin and mineral guidline that was ratified on July 4th ( 2005). You may not kow that although it is said that CODEX regulations guidlines and standards that have been ratified are volantary....That Are Not Voluntary...That is known as a lie!!! They are mandatory..but thye ar enot fully mandatory until December, 31st 2009. They're sort of kinda a little bit mandatory now. and they're totally mandatory then. So what does Codex do? Why do I care enough about Codex to close my practice and stop treating patients who came to me from around the help them regain their health and be radiantly well with non toxic means which is a very satisfying thing to do.. I love also provided me with an income... that was nice. OK...;why am I concerned enough, let's talk about the mineral and vitamin guidline first. In 1994 DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods. As foods you can set no upper limit on them. You cannot set an upper limit on lettuce...lamb or roodibaggers.. and similarily you cannot set an upper limit in vitamin C.. echanasia... ginko bi loba ... vitamin D ... to nutrients is freely given to us.. We are allowed to have any nutients we want because.... this is a very important point... under common law ... What's not forbidden is permitted.... Codex on the other hand ... is a Napoleonic Code ...What's not permitted is forbidden law system... under Napoleonic Code ...anything not permitted is forbidden ... that's called a positive list .... so vitamins and nutrients and minerals ... in 1994 we passed DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods... we can have as much of them as we want thatis our business... in 1994 Codex with no notice here in this country whatsoever.. prepared nutrents ... put on you intellectual seatbelts...declared nutrients to be toxins. they're poisens ... dangerous Industrial poisens ... AS POISENS ... WE HAVE TO BE PROTECTED FROM THEM do you protect someone from poisens ... you use toxicology ... you use a science called risk assessment's take a primer on risk assessment .. first you take the substance that's dangerous and feed it to animals, and the dosage that kills 50% of them ..that's called the LD 50 ... and you exstrapulate what the LD 50 for human being might be.,,then you go down to the other end of the dosage range ...and you start feeding ittie bittie tiny bits of it .. to test animals ... and you come up with the largest possible dose ...the maximum permissable upper limit ... that can be fed to an animal before a discernable impact is shown ..OK ... no discernable impact .... then you divide that by 100 ... that's how they do it in risk assessment ... and now you've got a safety margin ... so you have one 100th of the dose that can be given with no discernable impact ... OK nutrients! Under Codex!!! Not only are limited to those nutriants on the positive list ...and we anticipate there will be 18 of them .. and they do not include. . CoQ10 Glucosamine ... cundroyton sulfate ...thye do include floride ... which to my knowledge as a Physician has absolutely no biological benefit whatsoever. ... but it does make people complasent ... floride was first used in the Goolog ...because it was discovered that prisoners who were fed floridated water ... were complasent ... and you could do anything you wanted to them ... they were easy to manage ... so you have 18 nutrients ... you have ittie bittie tiny winy doses ... that are determined scientifically to have no effect ... on any human being now in this country we have a problem ... we have ...DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act ... we have to get rid of DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act in order to HARM ...on..ise ... with Codex... that part of Codex anyway .... so how do we get rid of DSHEA ... we attack it legislatively of course .. and ... there are five.. count them.. five currently before Congress ... designed to overturn ..gut ... invalidate .. and otherwise get rid of DSHEA ... because once DSHEA is gone we can HARM...on..ise with the vitamin and mineral guideline ... so what we are talking about is .... waking up one morning to find that high potency therapudicly effective clinicly significant nutrients are illegal ....
(Codex want to make nutients illegal ) in the way that Heroin is illegal ..not available with a prescription ... Illegal ... If these nutrients have any impact on the Human body ... they are illegal ... that's just the vitamin and mineral guidline ... let's talk about milk .... we have recombinant bovine growth hormone and now we can choose milk with it and milk without it ... butter with it or butter without it ..right ...not under Codex ... because under Codex ... every dairy cow ... on the planet must be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine hormone.... furthermore ..under Codex ... every animal used for food on the planent whether it has fins, feet or feathers ... every animal on the planet must be treated with sub clinical antibiotics and and must be treated with exogenous growth hormones ... Codex requires (mandates) that all food be irradiated unless it's eaten locally and raw. including organic food of course ... so is it organic afterwards... well of course the organic standards are incredibly low ...the organic standards allow a farmer to use vetinary drugs including exogenous growth hormone, anti biotics etc ....on animals and then at his whim, reclassify them as organic ... but farmers are our friends and they would never do that...right!!! Right!! Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that you can have in your food..and the limits are increditbly high ... go to Codex Alimentarius Commission ... look at the toxins and vetinary Chemicals and the levels that are set.,, they are terrifying ot me ..Terrifying ... the names of the Chemicals that are permitted and the amounts of the chemicals that are permitted are terrifying to me ...Why am I terrified? Well perhaps I am just a cowardly person's possible... think about this.. in 2001,
"The levels that are permitted, developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the are incredibly high in toxins and the levels that are set the names and amounts of the chemicals are terrifying..." states Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)
In 2001, 176 Countries including the USA got together and stated that there were 12 really bad dangerous organic chemicals Chemicals. They're called "Pops".,,"Persistent Organic Pollutants. There are a lot of them, but there are 12 that are so bad that, nobody could disagree that those 12 Pops had to be banned worldwide.Nine of the 12 worst organic Chemicals known are pesticides...not surprisingly..because they kill things..and of course we have many processes and enzime systems that are very much like insects and other pests so, they are not too good for us..but Codex has different ideas...Codex has brought back 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS, that 176 countries banned worldwide,,,Dieldrin..Aldrin.. .hexaclorabenzine...etc..and the food that is imported from other countries that contains these substances can not be stopped at our borders..because otherwise it would be God Forbid, a Trade Violation...that's how Codex works..Codex, according to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Food and Agricultural Organisation's (FAO) joint I didn't make this up...please if you have unfastened you're Intellectual Seat Belts...put them back on again...if you do the numbers in the WHO- FAO projections in their report headed Diet Nutrition and Prevention of Chronic Diseases..that just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone...when it goes into global implimentation..on December 31st, 2009...will result in a minimum of 3 billion (that's B... Bad... Big Billion) deaths - onee billion through simple starvation..those folks who die ar not particularily economicly successful from the point of view of the Corporations..when you're starving to death, how much good can you do, when the issue is that how much can you buy.. not a lot.. forget them..but Hah..but the next two billion...they will die from the preventable diseases (two billion people will die from diseases of under nutrition)..of under nutrition// cancer.. the single most profitable condition known to human kind..Cardiovacular Disease..a good second...diabetis...pritty good producer of income...and a whole host of other preventable diseases. Who will die? Who Knows? Who Will Live? Probably those people who are wealthy enough and powerful enough to have their own pushers of clean food and nutriants..that's who will live!!! You and I? ..probably not...our children? probably not...our grand children?...probably not!!! So we're talking about food regulations that are in fact are the legalisation of the mandated toxicity and under nutrition..It will become illegal..if there is a famine...where ever there is a ship high nutriant density biscuits to that country.. and it will be illegal to distribute them...that's what we're talking about!!! Codex is Big and It's Bad..but it's not invunerable. So the point is...that we have to protect ourselves, and I believe we have to regain global leadership, which we have lost. surrendered..squandered..ah.. sold..we have sold..just joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), surended our sovereinghty...however as it just happens I have a team of Constitutional Lawyers..looking at the following question...Are we members of the WTO? Cause if you remember from High School Civics..the way you get a treaty to be a real to have it ratified by a two thirds majority of the Senate...and the way we got into the WTO was, they passed a law allowing Bill Clinton to fast track us into the WTO. "That's Not A Treaty"...the USA is not legally not a member of the that's a piece of the battle...Someone says from the audience.."you will have to tell George Bush.." we will tell George Bush , but George Bush will not be relevant when we do tell that's a piece of it, but that's not going to save our lives right now you know..picture in your mind...a wasp or a bee trap..where the insect voluntarily goes down the funnel and then can't get up out of the trap again..that's Codex..a regular law can be over can be can be another piece of legislation..but once we become Codex any long as we are members of the can never be repealed...because we have lost the sovereignty to become un_codex compliant as long as we are in the WTO, so it's like going down that funnel and not being able to get back out of it. So it's very important that we make sure that we do not become codex compliant...but we will be hit with all those big trade sanctions from the countries that are codex compliant.. so that the country will be destroyed remember of the principles of war...remember mass..where you take your strength against the enemies weekness andweek points. Well here's what we've done. We have a team of lawyers, who have spent hundreds of hours with us pro bono..these are good guy lawyers...these two gentlemen and we have spent hundreds of hours studying Codex, understanding it's's weeknesses..a lot of weeknesses.. and constructing a strategy..which 'will take the succer down'....It will take it down...but I need are people that other people come to about safe healthy food..and nutrients...
National Association of Nutritrional Professionals NANP 2005 are ready made disenimation are the thousand million.... hundred million points of light. Here's what is happening. Every country in the world has to be Codex compliant in order not to get hit by WTO trade sanctions, as I told you of their members of Codex and the WTO..and there are a few countries that are not, but I can guarantee you they are not of any major significance. So. the question is...What is Codex Compliance mean?
Well, most people in most countries..most legislators believe that they have to adopt as their national standard on that particular subject...what Codex ratified. But that's not the case, any more than we're in the WTO. That's not the case either. What this means is that the format..the issues and the subjects..covered by a Codex Guideline...Standard or Regulation..have to be addressed in the country's guideline standard or regulation on the same topic. So what we have done is create the first of many alternative Codex guidelines. You can go to our website and you will see a little button on the upper right handside that says sign this citzen's partition. Now to briefly digress the citizen's partition is not like a grocery store partition that you sign and bring to somebody and say 'I have 200,000 signatures and they dump it in the waist basket, because it is in their mind, it is one signature that you and your friends wrote 200,000 names. is a legal challenge to the policy of the United States Government on Codex. It's called a citizen's partition. It's a legal challenge..We're suing the United States Government..saying what you're doing is illegal folks...let us tell you how..we want hearings of fact...we want redress..we want correction..if we get what we want...that's dandy...if we don't get what we want we have gone through a process..exhausting administrative remedies.. we have made the case ripe for court.
So OK, I need you and everybody you know, to sign this citizen's partition..stating this is a bad policy on mass..and you do this on the web..and you will see the instructions and we present the thousands and thousands of pages that we print out that have people's signatures to the US Codex Office and to the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and they don't like that at all..but that's OK. However, this time..this is the second amendment of the citizen's partition that we're asking you to sign. This time the revised vitamin and mineral guideline is part of it. It is part of the law suit saying this needs to be US Policy. The more voices that say..this is what I want...and you work for me..Mr and Mrs beaureaucrat and Mr and Mrs congressman and Mr and Mrs Senator. The more voices the more weight. So step number one is read and sign the citizen's partition. Step number two diseminate the information..the weblink. put it out in your office. get your patients...your friends and neighbours..your sign the citizens partition and your suppliers..the companies you use, are going to tell you that you're out of your minds...they will tell you that Codex is not a problem..and they will tell you..anyone here have a owners know that you ask a dog to heal..sit down...stay..that's Codex in this country and worldwide, because the more people that are in Codex comma, the less trouble they have getting this through...anyone here of the NNFA.the National Nutrition Foods Association..everybody's heard of the NNFA. Did you know that the members of the NNFA and not just health foods stores and manufacturers..but include companies with names you may have heard...Pfizer ...Merck...Monsanto...Bayer... BASF..Archer Daniels Midland..Glaxo....Aires.. ClyneW elcome ..... you get the idea..why?..because after DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed, and the nutriant business virgined..the Pharmaceuticals, folks, who are not dumb, said there is gold in them there pills..and they brought the means of production of many many many companies.. and they brought the companies there in the nutrient business. What better way to kill the nutrient business, which is not nearly as profitable as the toxic chemical drug business, than to take it over. It works everytime..right!! CRN...anybody here know about CRN..Council for Responsable Nutritian. Same members...they have lots of multi level marketing companies...same members..OK..and their serving their members needs. CRN are saying....Yeh...Codex is coming..Codex is going to protect us from those dangerous vitamins and minerals and herbs and CRN is saying it's fine...go to sleep lulaby and goodnight..and everything is fine...and they use a report that they commissoned at a reputed cost of $800,000..a report prepared by Sydley Austin Brown and Rute..a law firm in Washington...wrote a report for them..and it said lullaby...and goodnight everything is won't have an impact on the United States..everything is fine..Sydley Austin Brown and Rute has one major client..who's name you might know..Merk. Now it's entirely possible that the NNFA just did a spectacular bad job of due dilligence..or not..anyway...the report says everything is fine..everything is dandy.there will be no problem..we've got DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act Yeh, sure we do. Now lets talk about Australia...remember five laws before congress to over turn DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act
and you can write to congress on the website...Now congress uses the multiplier of 13,000 to one...every email, fa,x phone call...letter..don't write letters...they get decontaminated, they never get to congress...every email, fax and phone call..counts as 13,000 constituants opinions..they figure that if you write a letter or send an email there are 12,999 lazy who can't bother to get to the computer terminal to do the same thing, but they feel the way you do. interesting..that's power my friends...that's power..that's 13,000 to one. Suppose we have a million people...suppose we have 10 million people..supposed we have 100 million people...saying,, Don't You Dare!!! Now congress has one rule...above all others.. anybody know what it is? Get Re-elected! That's the primary rule, the prime directive is to get re-elected. Now DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed you may remember by unaminous congressional consent. Was that because one morning all members of Congress woke up and said..."I See The Light..
Nutriants Are Better Than Drugs!! "... They said, oh, If I don't go along with this..I'll never be re-elected to anything.....remember critical mass...remember we were out on the streets and we were up on our hind legs and we were making noise and we were rallying...and rallying and we were writing letters and we said....Don't You Dare To Take Away My Health Freedom!!! Remember? Expect that we got fat dumb and lazy and stopped protecting ourselves ...and we're in the same place again.... exept that it's all food instead of just nutriants. So! Thats point number One. Use the freedom mouse..ride the freedom mouse. We've made it as easy as possible in the site...Sign up, for the emails. I will never sell your information to anyone. I promise you. Plus I will never rent it, I will never share it, you'll only get an email from me, and we need you to know what's going on. So I''ll send you email blasts. I'll send you things that you can do... or not. It is your choice.. Get everybody you what else can you do? Now we're going to write a series of alternative guidelines. Everything bad in codes will have an alternative guideline that turns it into a pro health guideline. What have we done with the vitamin and mineral guideline? You can see that because we have a marked up copy that has their guideline crossed out and ours written in on the website..It's right there. What we've done is turn it into a guideline that mandates "bio-chemicaly individually determined optimal health" and it's still Codex compliant...So we said..OK. now we need congress to adopt this, and we need other countries in the world to adopt this, so, Burt and I went to Washington DC and we met Daniel Rorobocker from Orange County, who said to us, he's a representative.... he said "I believe in pesticides... " I went Oh.. He said I believe in GMO's I went Oh... He said " I believe in Iradiation of food" I went OH... But he said..."I believe in your right to eat foods that have not been processed that way more than I believe in those technologies... I will take this one on..." We said. " OH that's really nice.." He said now..."We need a coaition..." So we went across the isle ....across the office building to see Peter Defozio's staff from Oregan who would was a Liberal Democrat., whereas Rorobocker is a Libritarian Republican, and Defazio's on board and we have large numbers of others who actually has never heard of Codex. before we told them about it. Never heard of Codex ...we have called every health legislative aid on congress. What's you're Congressmans's position on Codex? and they've said "Wah????"...We have spoken to the trade legislative assistants and asked. What's you congressman's position on Codex? Congress and trade legislative's assistants and staff are not informed on Codex ... and they all said.. Wah Wah.. They don't know. We had a congressional briefing set up on the 20th of September, I was going to address Congress...and tell them about it.. I thought that that was cool...10 days before it became a briefing on something else. Another Freedom Click ... you need to write to Congress on the site and tell them that they need a Congressional Briefing, by God and tell them you want me to brief them. They don't know about Codex ..they've never heard of it any more than the general public has heard of Codex.... Gee How did that happen?.. Who knows? Every negative part of Codex can be over turned by guideline, a regulation or a standard, that is positive, So we need your help because the United States leadership in this guideline and all the positive guidelines that is to follow is what is going to literally follow, is what is going to save the population of the planet earth and save your jobs and your children and your families and mine. Thank you!!
Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer | |
Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
- Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH.ISBN 978-3527281442.
- Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
- Max Bodenstein, H. Leuchs (1931). "Sitzung vom 16. November 1931". Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 64 (11): A211–A212. doi:10.1002/cber.19 310641139.*
- ter Meer Prize University Bonn
- "Ter Meer family." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
- Uerdingen industrial area history
Trade is about Business!! Trade is about Profit!! Well they said in 1962 we're going to work towards total, global implimentation of Codex Alimentarius on December 31st, 2009. Long Term.... and they set up a bunch of committees.. committees on fish and fishery...fats and oil... fruits and vegetables... ground nuts...nutritian for special diatary uses and so on. There are currently about 27 Codex committees, they are regional organisations, there are task forces and so anf so on. So it's ahugh beaurocratic's emence. Codex has promogated well over 4,000 guidelines, standards and regulations on everything...everything which can legally be put into your mouth, with the excpetion of Pharmaceuticals. they are not part of Codex. That is an importand point. Now Codex standards have no legal weight whatsoever. Zero. So who cares about them..their just we are talking about an industry setting regulation organisation, but if it has no legal standing .. who cares? Right!! Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962.
Please note here that Fritz ter Meer was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes . After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He officiialy retired as supervisory board chairman of Bayer AG in 1961 so he could behind the scene concentrate of working with his UN buddies on developing his idea of setting up a syatem that will control the whoole world's food supply under the code name Codex Alimentarius. It would not look good publicly for Fritz ter Meer who was sentenced to only seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes, and only served about three years of his sentence because of his powerful UN buddies, to be seen to be publicly be involved with Codex Alimentarius.Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962. The Austian Hungarian Empire said we need rules by which the courts can rule on cases involving food.o we'll have regulations and rules that the courts will enforce.... that's how they get their way. That was called the Codex Alimentarius and was put into place around 1893 and lasted until the end of the Austrian Hungarian Empire in the first world war. So the idea was there in the Germanic tradition. We need rules..lots of rules...lots a
nd lots and lots of rules..we need a lot of rules... let's have rules for everything to do with food. So it was a natural extention for the German Industrialists to say we'll go back to the good old days of Codex Alimentarius back when we had them in Austrian Hungarian Empire. Cool. So they started promilgating their rules and regulations and they were voluntary. They were sort of guidlines. Now Codex Alimentarius Commission is administered by the World Health Oganisation (WHO) and the Food and Aricultural Organisation (FAO) and they fund Codex and they run it at the request of the United Nations (UN). So the're mummy and daddy to Codex Alimentarius. And that's very interesting because they're supposed to be about health and food world wide. Some conflicts of interest that we'll talk about. So Codex started promilgating regulations and rules, and the way that's done is that the committees work up a rule, a standard, a guideline, or regulation an dthey get it to what's called a step 8 which is the final step in their administrative process... and then it's presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for ratification, like the vitamin and mineral guidline was presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission on July 4th this past summer (2005). It was ratified... it was approved by consensus...and it is now...despite the propaganda that your going to hear if you every hear about it in the media... it is now mandatory on any member country and the WTO, the World Trade Organisation. Well what in the world do they have to do with it? And the answer is everything. The World Trade Organisation you see accepted Codex when the world organisation was formed in 1994. They said, "well how are we going to decide trade disputes around food if we don't have a set of rules. I know..we'll accept the Codex Alimentarius rulesand all the members of the WTO will...willl world wide...get ready for an Orwellian Term will harmonise with are standards, with the codex standards.. I suggest you capitalise the first four letters in your mind ...HARM... onise ... everybody is supposed to .HARM... onise... with Codex.... and when they HARM... onise with Codex, then if the get pulled into the WTO Dispute Resolution Process they have a chance of winning because here's the kicker... are you ready for this one ... if two countries go into the World Trade Organisation Dispute Resolution Process and one of then is Codex compliant, and one of them is not Codex Compliant.. the one that is Codex Compliant automaticlly wins regardless of the merit of the case. People are using Codex Compliant in a much bigger economic battle. So every couunty in the world is racing to do what? Become Codex Compliant. So in the United States...the situation is OK do we become Codex compliant when we have laws that protect us. You have to remember that Codex does not serve consumer well being. Codex does not serve what I call the five Bigs...Big Pharma Big Chema Big Biotechna Big AgriBiz and Bid Medica ,,,little me and little you are not served by Codex, in the least, so before we go forward and talk about the rest of what has to happen, let's ask what Codex does? You probably all know about the vitamin and mineral guidline that was ratified on July 4th ( 2005). You may not kow that although it is said that CODEX regulations guidlines and standards that have been ratified are volantary....That Are Not Voluntary...That is known as a lie!!! They are mandatory..but thye ar enot fully mandatory until December, 31st 2009. They're sort of kinda a little bit mandatory now. and they're totally mandatory then. So what does Codex do? Why do I care enough about Codex to close my practice and stop treating patients who came to me from around the help them regain their health and be radiantly well with non toxic means which is a very satisfying thing to do.. I love also provided me with an income... that was nice. OK...;why am I concerned enough, let's talk about the mineral and vitamin guidline first. In 1994 DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods. As foods you can set no upper limit on them. You cannot set an upper limit on lettuce...lamb or roodibaggers.. and similarily you cannot set an upper limit in vitamin C.. echanasia... ginko bi loba ... vitamin D ... to nutrients is freely given to us.. We are allowed to have any nutients we want because.... this is a very important point... under common law ... What's not forbidden is permitted.... Codex on the other hand ... is a Napoleonic Code ...What's not permitted is forbidden law system... under Napoleonic Code ...anything not permitted is forbidden ... that's called a positive list .... so vitamins and nutrients and minerals ... in 1994 we passed DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods... we can have as much of them as we want thatis our business... in 1994 Codex with no notice here in this country whatsoever.. prepared nutrents ... put on you intellectual seatbelts...declared nutrients to be toxins. they're poisens ... dangerous Industrail poisens ... AS POISENS ... WE HAVE OT BE PROTECTED FROM THEM do you protect someone form poisens ... you use toxicology ... you use a science called risk assessment's take a primeron risk assessment .. first you take the substance thats dangerous and feed it to animals and the dosage that kills 50% of them ..that's called the LD 50 ... and you exstrapulate what the LD 50 for human being might be.,,then you go down to the other end of the dosage range ...and you start feeding ittie bittie tiny bits of it .. to test animals ... and you come up with the largest possible dose ...the maximum permissable upper limit ... that can be fed ot an animal before a discernable impact is shown ..OK ... no discernable impact .... then you divide that by 100 ... that's how they do it in risk assessment ... and now you've got a safety margin ... so you have one 100th of the dose that can be given with no discernable impact ... OK nutrients! Under Codex!!! Not only are limited ot those nutriants on the positive list ...and we anticipate there will be 18 of them .. and they do not include. . CoQ10 Glucosamine ... cundroyton sulfate ...thye do include floride ... which to my knowledge as a Physician has absolutely no biological benefit whatsoever. ... but it does make people complasent ... floride was first used in the Goolog ...because it was discovered that prisoners who were fed floridated water ... were complasent ... and you could do anything you wanted to them ... thye were easy to manage ... so you have 18 nutrients ... you have ittie bittie tiny winy doses ... that are determined scientifically to have no effect ... on any human being now in this country we have a problem ... we have ...DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act ... we have to get rid of DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act in order to HARM ...on..ise ... with Codex... that part of Codex anyway .... so how do we get rid of DSHEA ... we attack it legislatively of course .. and ... there are five.. count them.. five currently before Congress ... designed to overturn ..gut ... invalidate .. and otherwise get rid of DSHEA ... because once DSHEA is gone we can HARM...on..ise with the vitamin and mineral guideline ... so what we are talking about is .... waking up one morning to find that high potency therapudiclly effective clinicly significant nutrients are illegal ....
(Codex want to make nutients illegal ) in the way that Heroin is illegal ..not available with a prescription ... Illegal ... If these nutrients have any impact on the Human body ... they are illegal ... that's just the vitamin and mineral guidline ... let's talk about milk .... we have recombinant bovine growth hormone and now we can choose milk with it and milk without it ... butter with it or butter without it ..right ...not under Codex ... because under Codex ... every dairy cow ... on the planet must be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine hormone.... furthermore ..under Codex ... every animal used for food on the planent whether it has fins, feet or feathers ... every animal on the planet must be treated with sub clinical antibiotics and and must be treated with exogenous growth hormones ... Codex requires (mandates) that all food be irradiated unless it's eaten locally and raw. including organic food of course ... so is it organis afterwards... well of course the organic standards are incredibly low ...the organic standards allow a farmer to use vetinary drugs including exogenous growth hormone, anti biotics etc ....on animals and then at his whim, reclassify them as organic ... but farmers are our friends and they would never do that...right!!! Right!! Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that you can have in your food..and the limits are increditbly high ... go to Codex Alimentarius Commission ... look at the toxins and vetinary Chemicals and the levels that are set.,, they are terrifying ot me ..Terrifying ... the names of the Chemicals that are permitted and the amounts of the chemicals that are permitted are terrifying to me ...Why am I terrified? Well perhaps I am just a cowardly person's possible... think about this.. in 2001,
"The levels that are permitted, developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the are incredibly high in toxins and the levels that are set the names and amounts of the chemicals are terrifying..." states Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)
In 2001, 176 Countries including the USA got together and stated that there were 12 really bad dangerous organic chemicals Chemicals. They're called "Pops".,,"Persistent Organic Pollutants. There are a lot of them, but there are 12 that are so bad that, nobody could disagree that those 12 Pops had to be banned worldwide.Nine of the 12 worst organic Chemicals known are pesticides...not surprisingly..because they kill things..and of course we have many processes and enzime systems that are very much like insects and other pests so, they are not too good for us..but Codex has different ideas...Codex has brought back 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS, that 176 countries banned worldwide,,,Dieldrin..Aldrin.. .hexaclorabenzine...etc..and the food that is imported from other countries that contains these substances can not be stopped at our borders..because otherwise it would be God Forbid, a Trade Violation...that's how Codex works..Codex, according to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Food and Agricultural Organisation's (FAO) joint i didn't make this up...please if you have unfastened you're Intellectual Seat Belts...put them back on again...if you do the numbers in the who FAO projections in their report headed Diet Nutrition and prevention of Chronic Diseases..that just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone...when it goes into global implimentation..on December 31st, 2009...will result in a minimum of 3 billion (that's B... Bad... Big Billion) deaths - one billion through simple starvation..those folks who die ar not particularily economicly successful from the point of view of the Corporations..when you're starving to death, how much good can you do, when the issue is that how much can you buy.. not a lot.. forget them..but Hah..but the next two billion...they will die from the preventable diseases (two billion people will die from diseases of under nutrition)..of under nutrition// cancer.. the single most profitable condition know to human kind..CardiovacularDisease..a good second...diabetis...pritty good producer of income...and a whole host of other preventable diseases. Who will die? Who Knows? Who Will Live? Probably those people who are wealthy enough and powerful enough to have their own pushers of clean food and nutriants..that's who will live!!! You and I? ..probably not...our children? probably not...our grand children?...probably not!!! So we're talking about food regulations that are in fact are the legalisation of the mandated toxicity and under nutrition..It will become illegal..if there is a famine...whereecer there is a ship high nutriant density biscuits to that country.. and it will be illegal to distribute them...that's what we're talking about!!! Codex is Big and It's Bad..but it's not invunerable. So the point is...that we have to protect ourselves, and I believe we have to regain global leadership, which we have lost. surrendered..squandered..ah.. sold..we have sold..just joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), surended our sovereinghty...however as it just happens I have a team of Constitutional Lawyers..looking at the following question...Are we members of the WTO? Cause if you remember form High School Civics..they way you get a treaty to be a real ot have it ratified by a two thirds majority of the Senate...and the way we got into the WTO was, they passed a law allowing Bill Clinton to fast track us into the WTO. "That's Not A Treaty"...the USA is not legally not a member of the that's a piece of the battle...Someone says from the audience.."you will have to tell George.." we will tell George Bush , but George Bush will not be relevant when we do tell that's a piece of it, but that's not going to save our lives right now you know..picture in your mind...a wasp or a bee trap..were ot insect voluntarily goes down the funnel and then can't get up out of the trap again..that's Codex..a regular law can be over can be can be another piece of legislation..but once we become Codex nay long as we are members of the can never be repealed...because we have lost the sovereignty to become un_codex compliant as long as we are in the WTO, so it's like going down that funnel and not being able to get back out of it. So it's very important that we make sure that we do not become codex compliant...but we will be hit with all those bis trade sanctions from the countries that are codex compliant,, so that the country will be destroyed remember of the principles of war...remember mass..where you take your strength against the enemies weekness ads week points. Well here's what we've done. We have a team of lawyers, who have spent hundreds of hours with us pro bono..these are good guy lawyers...these two gentlemen and we have spent hundreds of hours studying Codex, understanding it's's weeknesses..a lot of weeknesses.. and constructing a strategy..which 'will take the succer down'....It will take it down...but I need are people that other people come to about safe healthy food..and nutrients...
National Association of Nutritrional Professionals NANP 2005 are ready made disenimation are the thousand million.... hundred million points of light. Here's what is happening/ Every country in the world has ot be Codex compliant in order not to get hit by WTO trade sanctions, as I told you of their members of Codex and the WTO..and there are a few countries that are not, but I can guarantee you they are not of any major significance. So. the question is...What is Codex Compliance mean?
Well, most people in most countries..most legislators believe that they have to adopt as their national standard on that particular subject...what Codex ratified. But that's not the case, any more than we're in the WTO. That's not the case either. What is means is that the format..the issues and the subjects..covered by a Codex Guideline...Standard or Regulation..have to be addressed in the country's guideline standard or regulation on the same topic. So what we have done is create the first of many alternative Codex guidelines. You can go to our website and you will see a little button on the upper right handside that says sign this citzen's partition. Now to briefly digress the citizen's partition is not like a grocery store partition that you sign and bring to somebody and say 'I have 200,000 signatures and they dump it in the waist basket, because it is in their mind, it is one signature that you and your friends wrote 200,000 names. is a legal challenge to the policy of the United States Government on Codex. It's called a citizen's partition. It's a legal challenge..We're suing the United States Government..saying what you're doing is illegal folks...let us tell you how..we want hearings of fact...we want redress..we want correction..if we get what we want//that's dandy...if we don't get what we want we have gone through a process..exhausting administrative remedies.. we have made the case ripe for court.
So Ok, I need you and everybody you know, to sign this citizen's partition..sating this is a bad policy on mass..and you do this on the web..and you will see the instructions and we present the thousands and thousands of pages that we print out that have people's signatures to the US Codex Office and to the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and they don't like that at all..but that's OK. However, this time..this is the second amendment of the citizen's partition that we're asking you to sign. This time the revised vitamin and mineral guideline is part of it. It is part of the law suit saying this needs to be US Policy. The more voices that say..this is what I want...and you work for and mrs beaureaucrat and mr and mrs congressman and mr and mrs senator. The more voices the more weight. So step number one is read and sign the citizen's partition. Step number two diseminate the information..the weblink. put it out in your office. get your patients...your friends and neighbours..your sign the citizens partition and your suppliers..the companies you use,, are going to tell you that you're out of your minds...they will tell you that Codex is not a problem..and the will tell you..anyone here have a owners know that you ask a dog to heal..sit down...stay..that's codex in this country and worldwide, because the more people that are in Codex comma, the less trouble they have getting this through...any here of the NNFA.the National Nutrition Foods Association..everybody's heard of the NNFA. Did you know that the members of the NNFA and not just health foods stores and manufacturers..but include companies with names you may have heard...Pfizer ...Merck...Monsanto...Bayer... BASF..Archer Daniels Midland..Glaxo....Aires..clyne welcome you get the idea..why?..because after Tochet was passed and the nutriant business virgined..the pharasutical folks who are not dumb, said there is gold in them there pills..and they brought the means of production of many many many companies.. and they brought the companies there in the nutriant business. What better way to kill the nutriant business, which is not nearly as profitable as the toxic chemical drug business, than to take it over. It works everytime..right!! CRN...anybody here know about CRN..Council for Responsablr Nutritian. Same members...they hav lots of multi level marketing companies...same members..OK..and their serving their members needs. CRN are saying,,,Yeh...Codex is coming..Codex is going to protect us from those dangerous vitamins and minerals and herbs and CRN is saying it's fine...go to sleep lulaby and goodnight..and everything is fine...and they use a report that they commissoned at a reputed cost of $800,000..a report prepared by Sydley Austin Brown and Rute..a law firm in Washington...wrote a report for them..and it said lullaby...and goodnight everything is won't have an impact on the United States..everything is fine..Sydley Austin Brown and Rute has one major client..who's name you might know..Merk. Now it's entirely possible that the NNFA just did a spectacular bad job of due dilligence..or not..anyway...the report says everything is fine..everything is dandy.there will be no problem..we'ver got dishet( Touchet?) Yeh, sure we do. Now lets talk about Australia...remember five laws befofore congress overturned dishet (?)
and you can write to congress on the website...Now congress uses the multiplier of 13,000 to one...every email fax phone call...letter..don't write letters...they get decontaminated, they never get to congress...every email. fax and phone call..counts as 13,000 constituants opinions..they figure that if you write a letter or send an email there are 12,999 lazy who can't bother to get to the computer terminal to do the same thing, but they feel the way you do. interesting..that's power my friends...that's power..that's 13,000 to one. Suppose we have a million people...suppose we have 10 million people..supposed we have 100 million people...saying,, Don't You Dare!!! Now congress has one rule...above all others.. anybody know what it is? Gte Re-elected! That's the primary rule,, the prime directive is to get re-elected. No w touchet was passed you may remember by unaminous congressional consent. Was that because one morning all members of Congress woke up and said..."I See Th Light..
Nutriants Are Better Than Drugs!! "... They said, oh, If I don't go along with this..I'll never be re-elected to anything.....remember critical mass...remember we were out on the streets and we were up on our hind legs and we were making noise and we were rallying...and rallying and we were writing letters and we said....Don't You Dare To Take Away My Health Freedom!!! Remember? Expect that we got fat dumb and lazy and stopped protecting ourselves ...and we're in the same place again.... exept that it's all food instead of just nutriants. So! Thats point number One. Use the freedom mouse..ride the freedom mouse. We've made it as easy as possible in the site...Sign up, for the emails. I will never sell your information to anyone. I promise you. Plus I will never rent it, I will never share it, you'll only get an email from me, and wee need you to know what's going on. So I''ll send you email blasts. I'll send you things that you can do... or not. It is your choice.. Gte everybody you what else can you do? Now we're going to write a series of alternative guidelines. Everything bad in codes will have am alternative guideline that turns it into a pro health guideline. What have wee done with the vitamin and mineral guideline? You can see that because we have a mark up copy that has their guideline crossed out and ours written in on the website..It's right there. What we've done is turn it into a guideline that mandates "bio-chemicaly individually determined optimal health" and it;s still Codex compliant...So we said..OK. now we need congress to adopt this, and we need other countries in the world to adopt this, so, Burt and I went to Washington DC and we met Daniel Rorobocker from Orange County, who said to us, he's a representative.... he said "I believe in pesticides... " I went Oh.. He said I believe in GMO's I went Oh... He said " I believe in Iradiation of food" I went OH... "But he said...I believe in your right to eat foods that have not been processed that way more than I believe in those technologies... I will take this one..." We said. " OH that's really nice.." He said now..."We need a coilition..." So we wnet across the ilse across he office building to see Peter Defozio's staff from Oregan who would was a Liberal Democrat., whereas Rorobocker is a Libritarian Republican, and Defazio's on board and we have large numbers of others who actually has never heard of Codex. before we told them about it. Never heard of Codex,,,we have called ever health legislative aid on congress. what's you're Congressmans's position on Codex? and they've said "Wah????"...We have spoken to the trade legislative assistants and asked. What's you congressman's position on Codex? Congress and trade legislative's assistants and staff are not informed on Codex ... and they all said.. Wah Wah.. They don't know. We had a congressional briefing set up on the 20th of September, I was going to address Congress...and tell them about it.. I thought that that was cool...10 days before it became a briefing on something else. Another Freedom Click ... you need to write to Congress on the site and tell them that they need a Congressional Briefing, by God and tell them you want me to brief them. They don't know about Codex ..they've never heard of it any more than the general public has heard of Codex Gee How did that happen.. who knows? Every negative part of Codex can be over turned by guideline, a regulation or a standard, that is positive, So we need your help because the United States leadership in this guideline and all the positive guidelines that is to follow is what is going to literally follow is what is going to save the population of the planet earth and save your jobs and your children and your families and mine. Thank you!!
Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005
Codex Alimentarius summarized in 7 pointsPublished on 09-30-2009
Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code)
Summarized in 7 points
http://www.healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=161
http://www.healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=183
http://www.healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=160 codex.htm uk/Vitamins/ v=nhApQ3QkG0Q&feature=related videoplay?docid=- 5266884912495233634 v=O2D4-noTiCg 026731_CODEX_food_health.html campaigns/codex Codex_Alimentarius Codex_Alimentarius
The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food code" or "food book") is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. Its name derives from the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus.[1] Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission's main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3]
- Food labelling (general standard, guidelines on nutrition labelling, guidelines on labelling claims)
- Food additives (general standard including authorized uses, specifications for food grade chemicals)
- Contaminants in foods (general standard, tolerances for specific contaminants including radionuclides, aflat oxins and other mycotoxins)
- Pesticide and veterinary chemical residues in foods (maximum residue limits)
- Risk assessment procedures for determining the safety of foods derived from biotechnology (DNA-modified plants, DNA-modified micro-organisms, allergens)
- Food hygiene (general principles, codes of hygienic practice in specific industries or food handling establishments, guidelines for the use of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or “HACCP” system)
- Methods of analysis and sampling
Specific standards
- Meat products (fresh, frozen, processed meats and poultry)
- Fish and fishery products (marine, fresh water and aquaculture)
- Milk and milk products
- Foods for special dietary uses (including infant formulae and baby foods)
- Fresh and processed vegetables, fruits, and fruit juices
- Cereals and derived products, dried legumes
- Fats, oils and derived products such as margarine
- Miscellaneous food products (chocolate, sugar, honey, mine ral water)
See also
- Codex Alimentarius Austriacus
- Food Chemicals Codex
- E number
- ^ Codex Alimentarius: how it all began Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website. Accessed 1 January 2009.
- ^ a b Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures World Trade Organization. Accessed 3 September 2008.
- ^ a b Understanding the Codex Alimentarius Preface. Third Edition. Published in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed 3 September 2008.
- ^ a b 'Health supplements: R.I.P.'. The Guardian newspaper, UK. Published 14 September 2002. Accessed 2 August 2008
- ^ Codex Alimentarius Commission 28th Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 4-9 July, 2005. Official report.
- ^ Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements
- ^ UN commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Centre. Published 11 July 2005. Accessed 1 January 2009
- ^ UN commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Centre. Published 11 July 2005. Accessed 26 March 2009
- ^ Nil by mouth. The Observer newspaper, UK. Published 29 February 2004. Accessed 1 January 2009
- ^ 'The vitamin police', by ALAN BOCK, Sr. editorial writer, The Orange County Register. Published 14 August 2005. Accessed 2 September 2008.
- ^ about_us/eng/campaigns.lasso
- ^ The International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture (July 15, 2003). "Manifesto on the Future of Food".
- Codex Alimentarius Commission - official website
- 'Understanding the Codex Alimentarius' Published in 2005 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed 4 May 2007.
- "Authority and Legitimacy in Global Governance: Deliberation, Institutional Differentiation, and the Codex Alimentarius" Michael Livermore, 81 NYU Law Review 766 (2006)
The history of the fluoridation of water supplies and the dental benefits are open to much scrutiny. According to the Independent newspaper in Hervey Bay on 24/1/13,a leading doctor for the state of Queensland stated
“it is the safest and most effective way of improving the dental health of Queenslanders”.
I would like to challenge this assertion with a litteny of facts which raise concerns for not only the dental health benefits, but health in general as a direct result of fluoridation.
Fluoride comes in many forms, and is in fact not registered on the periodic table which classifies chemical substances. The “name” fluoride, can refer to many various substances-calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, hydrogen fluoride,l ead fluoride, aluminium fluoride, but to name a few. The important thing to remember is that in whatever form a substance takes to use the term fluoride,i t is a combination of chemical compounds and substances.
The only naurally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride(CaF2),which occurs naturally in water but is not soluble. It is not added to our drinking water, and in fact it is illegal to do so.
Sodium Fluoride is the name given to inorganic chemical compounds(NaF).This is what is added to our water. It is soluble and therefore dilutes in water. The additive in our water in Hervey Bay is Sodium Fluoride in the form of “fluorosilicic acid”.
Just to clarify further, Sodium Flouride can be in two forms-Pharmaceutical grade, and Industrial grade. As you would expect, Pharmaceutical grade refers to a controlled combination of substances. Think of men in white coats, beakers,bunson burners and the like.
Industrial grade Sodium Flouride is another matter. As flourosilisic acid(H2SiF6),this industrial grade of sodium fluoride is what we are drinking. Where does it come from? It comes from industry as a bi-product(waste) from several industries-Fertilizer, Aluminium,and Weapon manufacturing to name a few! It is not treated/sterilized/processed before being added to our water.
This additive comes from an industrial process which results in a waste product that is then sold to municipal councils so it can be disposed of in-wait for it-HUMAN BODIES!! The majority of fluoride ends up down our drains, on our garden, and in our food production.
“Fluoride” is a misnomer-there is no such substance listed in the periodic tables as stated earlier, instead we find a gas called Fluorine. The use of this gas in various industries listed above results in certain toxic byproducts which are created in these processes. One such toxic byproduct is called Sodium Fluoride,and it has to be one of the most remarkable substances ever produced. Here are some of its applications-
*Major additive in rat and cockroach poisons
*active ingredient in toothpaste
*ingredient in anesthetics, and hypnotic, psychiatric drugs such as Prozac
* ingredient in sarin nerve gas
*additive in drinking water to alleviate tooth decay
Getting interesting, isn’t it!
Fluorine gas is one of the most active, most aggressive, reactive elements in the periodic table. In other words, it is a very dangerous, toxic substance.
Fluoursilisic acid therefore is a chemical cocktail from industrial manufacturing processes which originate from a gas that is extremely dangerous and toxic.
Amongst the chemicals found in Fluorocilicic acid, we find the following:
*Radionulides(radioactive particles)
How did this substance ever get to be added to our drinking water? Lets get a history lesson which will clarify the matter. After the second world war aluminium production took off in a big way in America. But this industry had many problems. One of these was an increasing number of health problems from people living near these plants. Fluorine emissions in particular caused many people to lodge court cases against these plants(Alcoa),and most of these were settled out of court. An Alcoa chemist, Gerald J Cox, proposed that Fluoride waste helps dental health and it should be added to drinking water. This was in 1939.Studies conducted to investigate a relationship between dental health and fluoride were financed by the fluoride producing industries. It is not surprising then that a favourable relationship was established. America started fluoridation of its water supplies with waste chemicals from industry! Fluorosilicic acid is composed of tetrafluorosilicate gas and other species of fluorine gases captured in pollution scrubbers and concentrated into a 23% solution during wet process phosphate fertilizer manufacture. Generally,the acid is stored in outdoor cooling ponds before being shipped to local councils to artificially fluoridate drinking water. Fluoridating drinking water with recovered pollution is a cost effective means of disposing of toxic waste. The fluorosilicic acid would otherwise be classified as a hazardous toxic waste on the Superfund Priorities List(USA) of toxic substances that pose the most significant risk to human health and the greatest potential liability for manufacturers.During the 1960s,there became a shortage of sodium fluoride from the aluminium industry,and with the help of the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) in America, fluorosilicic acid was transformed from a concentrated toxic waste and a liability into a “proven cavity fighter”. The EPA and the US Public Health Service waived all testing procedures and-with the help of the American Dental Association(ADA)-encouraged cities to add the radioactive concentrate into America’s drinking water as an “improved” form of fluoride! We here in Australia are upholding this HERE IN HERVEY BAY!!The first three cities to be fluoridated in America were Grand Rapids,Michigan,Newburgh, NY,and Evanstan, Illinois in 1950.
What is the process in Australia? Well it appears we the people have no say in the fluoridation, or mass medication through our water supplies. Local councils are informed by state governments that fluoridation is to occur. No consultation whatsoever is sought between you and I as to whether we would like to be medicated. State governments advise councils that on a certain date fluoride will commence, and that all the infrastructure necessary to implement this will be installed at the water treatment plant by this date. The only choice open to a council is who will pay for this installation?Accept the state governments offer, and there will be no expense incurred to local council. If a council rejects the proposal, the state government will install this infrastructure anyway, then bill that council for the cost. There is absolutely no discussion on the merits of fluoridation, just an acceptance that this practice is beneficial to ones dental health. Recent changes have been implemented in Australia that now give local councils the ability to repel fluoridation ,and therefore remove it from our water supplies. Cairns have acted on this change in policy, and have decided to cease fluoridation. Hervey Bay Council has announced it is to continue fluoridation, once again doing so with no consultation with you and I.Read on to see why we should all be concerned with there decision.It should be noted that ALL maintenance to fluoridate our water supply is at the expense of the Hervey Bay council,and ultimately, ratepayers!
As is all the information herein, none of this information is based on my opinions only, they are all based on freely available FACTS. Do your own research and then make your own mind up as to the course of action you and your family are willing to take. From hereon, I will refer to our fluoride additive in Hervey Bays water (fluorosilicic acid) as SF.
The two ways we apply SF :
SYSTEMIC refers to ingestion through water,and
TOPICAL, as in external application from toothpaste.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(USA) has now acknowledged that the mechanism of fluoride’s benefits are mainly topical, not systemic. There is no need whatsoever, therefore to swallow fluoride to protect teeth.
If you look into toothpaste with SF,there is a warning about ingesting toothpaste, particularly for the young.
Ingesting SF is a practise that has spawned a pandoras box of cricism which governments and most dental practitioners ignore.
*SF, when ingested at ANY LEVEL acts as a neurotoxin which directly affects the pineal gland in the brain as well as the central nervous system. The Pineal gland is a pine cone shaped gland of the endocrine system. It is situated near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. It is also known as the third eye. Functions of this gland include-secretion of the hormone melatonin
-regulation of endocrine functions
-conversion of nervous system-endocrine system signals
-causes feeling of sleepiness
-influences sexual development
SF has been proven to infiltrate the blood-brain barrier,and therefore affects and accumulates in the pineal gland. It causes calcification of this gland. Brain studies indicate SF can lower IQ’s, promote lethargy, apathy,and in addition it directly has a negative affect on our thyroid gland. If you look up treatment for hypothyroidism(over active thyroid),you will find one treatment is to administer fluoride tablets! In other words, this treatment verifies that SF reduces the thyroid production of hormones.
Dr. Pyyllis Mullenix, an EPA toxicologist in a review in 1995 noted that fluoride has been listed among 100 chemicals for which there is “substantial” evidence of developmental neurotoxicity. In total, there have now been over 100 animal experiments showing that fluoride can damage the brain and impact learning behaviour.Dr Mullenix was fired from her position as Chair of Toxicology at Forsythe Dental Center for publishing her findings on fluoride and the brain.
*SF is a great concern when you ingest as heated or boiled water. As water is boiled, steam is produced, which therefore increases the proportionate amount of SF in the water. Every time you make a cup of tea or coffee for example, you are receiving additional parts per million of SF through the water. The major concern with this fact is in bottle fed babies-baby formula made with fluoridated tap water. Mothers milk has 0.004% fluoride which occurs naturally .When a mother makes her baby formula with fluoridated water,300% more fluoride is consumed by that baby .The American Dental Association distributed a November 6,2006 email alert to its members recommending that parents be advised that baby formula should be made with “low or no fluoridated water” due to findings that it would cause dental fluorosis later in life!!Unfortunately,the ADA has done little to get this information into the hands of parents.WE HAVE DONE THE SAME HERE IN AUSTRALIA.
*The EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)in America warns to keep toothpaste away from children under 6 years of age.If swallowed,they recommend to contact the poison control center,or seek medical advise.
*There are links to bone cancers,athsma,kidney damage and brain damage as stated previously-In 2000 the senior vice president of the EPA in America recommended a study be done “to investigate the cancer link between water fluoridation by the addition of fluorosilicic acid or sodium silicoflouride(another additive from industry) in the water.He recommended toxicity studies be undertaken.This has not been implemented.
*Two reasons given for fluoridation are the reductions of both tooth decay and fluorosis(pitting or discoloration of tooth enamel).It is a fact that both these major reasons are false.The rates of fluorosis have increased in every area that fluoridation has been done.In America 41% have fluorosis,NZ 30%.Tooth decay has not reduced as a result of this process.Without getting into a discussion into the merits of this assertion,I will point out a few facts :
-The WHO(world health authority)statistics report that the rates of tooth decay
have been declining between 1970-2010 at the SAME RATE in
fluoridated or unfluoridated countries.In other words,there is no evidence that
fluoridation is effective in lowering tooth decay!
-Information from Colgate states that fluoride “is a naturally occurring element
that strengthens teeth”,and that “fluoride that is swallowed enters the
bloodstream and becomes part of the permanent teeth as they develop”.Why
then have we not seen a decrease in dental cavities and fluorosis in fluoridated
area’s that surpass the unfluoridated area’s?
*The Center for disease control in America reported in 2005 that fluoridation caused irreversible discoloured teeth in 33% of children
*National academy of sciences USA reported that fluoridation is:
-a potent hormone disruptor which affects teeth,bones,thyroid,lowers IQ,
especially in children.
*Bob Canton,a former EPA scientist in USA stated Fluoride “is a cumulative
poison”,which leeches into our bones and pineal gland in particular.
*Since 1994,six studies have shown adverse affects on the brain from fluoridation in drinking water,even at optimal levels of 1 part per million.Symptoms found included hyperactivity,autism,ADHD to name but a few.
*In 1990,Dr William Marcus,senior scientist at EPA(US),was fired for exposing a coverup in a government study showing clear evidence that fluoride causes cancer.
In 1992 Dr Marcus was vindicated when an Administrative court Judge, David A Clark ordered the EPA to give him back his job-EPA then shredded all documents relating to the information which Dr Marcus exposed.
*Paul Connett PhD,is a noted advocate of the anti fluoride movement.
He states that fluoride is a poor medical practise in that you cannot control the amount of SF which individuals may ingest.He also states that there is no such thing as a LACK OF FLUORIDE.No doctors monitor us for fluoride levels,and they are certainly not trained to look for any symptoms of fluoride toxicity.Due to the method governments use when adding fluoride to our water,we are deprived of our right to INFORMED CONSENT TO MEDICATION.No government should force medications on populations,especially for a NON-CONTAGIOUS,NON-LIFE THREATENING DISEASE!!!
*Going back to the article in the Independent Newspaper,we were told that there was “no evidence to show fluoride,in the amounts used in water supplies has any detrimental health effects”.
This I absolutely agree with.The reason why I agree is because in all countries who fluoridate their drinking water there has never been a study done regarding health effects from ingesting industrial grade SF.All countries that fluoridate have never done any testing on SF,except for Pharmaceutical grade,WHICH IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW TO BE PUT IN OUR WATER!!
*Put simply,SF is not necessary.Most industrialized countries have rejected water fluoridation,but have nevertheless experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay as fluoridated countries.(once again-according to WHO).
-97% of Western Europe has rejected,banned or stopped fluoridation
-Only 5% of the worlds population is fluoridated
-The Danish Minister of Environment recommended against fluoridation in 1977
because ‘no adequate studies had been carried out on its long-term effects on
human organ systems other than teeth and because not enough studies had been
done on the effects of fluoride discharges on freshwater ecosystems’.Here are just
some of other countries fluoridation stances:
-China Banned‘not allowed’.
-Austria Rejected:Toxic fluorides not added
-Belgium Rejected:encourages self-determination,those who want fluoride
should get it themselves
-Finland Stopped-do not favour or recommend fluoridation of drinking water.
A recent study found no evidence that cavities are increasing
-Germany Stopped.Study has found no evidence of cavity increases
-Denmark Rejected-toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water
supplies in Denmark
-Norway Rejected-drinking water should not be fluoridated
-Sweden Banned-not allowed.No safety data available
-Japan Rejected-may cause health problems…the o.8-1.5mg level is for
calcium-fluoride,not the hazardous waste by-product which is added
with artificial fluoridation.
-America 66% of America is fluoridated.This amounts to 50% of the worlds
people who are fluoridated.
*The main countries that have large amounts of calcium fluoride occurring naturally in their water are China and India.The health problems as a result are catastrophic,and they actually have a programme to REMOVE calcium fluoride before letting people consume this water.Just because a substance is NATURAL does not mean it is good.Lead,arsenic and mercury are also natural.
Starting in America,the Industries involved in producing this industrial grade waste were able to dispose of their waste at a huge profit instead of spending a huge amout of money to safely dispose a waste that their EPA rates at the highest level of toxicity.This was achieved by proposing they sell their waste to local councils for inclusion in that areas drinking water.By selling this waste,it then becomes a PRODUCT,and any product in the marketplace is not subject to any environmental laws governing disposal of toxic or hazardous materials!!!You can see now why the push to fluoridation was generated not by dental and health concerns,but by industrial and economic factors.We should investigate whether Australia follows suit with this strategy,and owing to the huge fertilizer and alumunium producers located here,I cannot see any reason to doubt that we too follow suit.
(7)For a thorough understanding of the fraud that is fluoridation,I recommend the following two documentaries as a start-
*The fluoride deception –Christopher Bryson
*Firewaterfilm -Australian doco
Please watch them in the order they appear.Find out the history of this practise first,then in firewaterfilm you will see first hand some of the results and practices in Australia of fluoridation.
We are being medicated against our will with a toxic industrial waste byproduct for a health disease that is neither life threatening or contagious, for a benefit that is patently non existent.There is no way of controlling the doses consumed,and most scientific estimates say we have 8-10ppm being ingested through all the foods we consume which are also laced with fluoride as SF.Until local councils can produce evidence that conclusively prove the dental and health benefits from this practise,we should demand an immediate halt to fluoridation.Long live Democracy,its good to know that our opinions and concerns are important with decision makers in local councils,state and federal governments.
Oh yeah,I almost forgot-remember the three cities in America that were the first to receive fluoridation back in 1950?Well,recent statistics available now show that the number of dentists per 10,000 people in America are as follows :
AND EVANSTAN,USA………………..122 Dentists!!!!!!
If when reading this article you find it difficult to follow or understand,or if you couldn’t care less,and you believe what authorities tell you,maybe,just maybe,you already suffer from fluoride toxicity and have become the good citizen that proponents of fluoridation want as a result of this practise.(THIS COMMENT IS MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION,AND IT SHOULD NOT BE LABLED AS FACT,UNLIKE EVERYTHING ELSE PRESENTED ABOVE)
*Send this information to as many people as possible
*Organize a demonstration outside Hervey Bay council chambers,where we
should object to this mass medication,and demand immediate removal
from our water supplies.
*Once this date is organized,all who receive this email will be informed
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